Chapter 7: Edikitís

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Artemis, Percy, and Thalia were conversing lightly in the main room of the Artemis Cabin while they waited for the girls to return. They were all laughing at a dumb joke Percy had told when the door suddenly flew open, revealing Sophie.

"Sophie, what's wrong, sweetie?" Thalia questioned while Percy crossed the room towards the petite girl.

"Hey, it's okay," Percy soothed as he wiped the few remaining tears off his daughter's cheeks and wrapped her in a hug. "What happened?"

"I- I don't even know, it's kind of a long story," Sophie said.

"Well, we have plenty of time," Percy said as he led his daughter over to where he, Thalia, and Artemis had been sitting. "Why don't you tell us all about it?"

Taking a deep breath Sophie nodded her head and started telling the story. As she got to the part about the vision Percy felt tears pricking his eyes, and many glances were exchanged with his wife and adoptive mother. As she neared the end of the vision Sophie's voice started getting shaky, and tears threatened her eyes as well.

"I didn't know what else to do, so I ran here," Sophie said softly as she stared down at the floor. "It all felt so real."

"Oh, sweetie," Thalia replied lovingly as she wrapped Sophie in a hug. "That's quite the experience. I'm glad you're okay."

"But what about the boy?" Percy questioned, being the protective father that he was. "Do you know who he was?"

Sophie nodded into Thalia's shoulder, but didn't say anything. "Who was it?" Artemis questioned. "Who was this boy?"

"Jason," Sophie said so quietly that they could barely hear her. "They told me his name is Jason."

Percy went to say something, but then the door burst open once again. "Mom, Dad!" Angel exclaimed.

"We can't find Sophie, she's missing!" Asteria finished frantically.

Percy crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows at his oldest daughters as he stood up to face them. "Well, lucky for you, she's right here," Percy said as he motioned towards where Thalia was cradling their youngest child.

"Oh thank Hades," Angel breathed. "You have her."

The rest of the Hunt then came in, Kairos in the lead. "Guess who got the flag?" he crowed as Sophie disentangled herself from Thalia to look upon the rest of her sisters.

"Oh great," Asteria muttered. "We're never going to hear the end of this."

"Clara!" Kairos announced as he stepped to the side, revealing Clara holding the campers' flag. At this the Hunt roared in triumph while Clara blushed and waved the banner in the air.

Percy, Thalia, and Artemis grinned at this. "Well, I sure hope you girls didn't severely injure too many campers to get it," Thalia teased.

"Oh, it was definitely much less than last time," Atalanta grinned. "I think we only sent two or three to the infirmity this time!" Artemis chuckled at this.

"Well, I'm certainly glad you girls had fun, but it's almost time for bed," Percy said before he turned and walked towards the back room with Thalia and Artemis. Then, with a final goodnight, they disappeared behind the closed door.

After their parents left Angel and Asteria immediately rushed over to Sophie. "You had us so worried!" Angel fussed.

"I'm fine, I'm not a little girl anymore," Sophie pouted.

"That may be," Asteria replied. "But we were still worried. Now, who was that boy so we know who to castrate tomorrow?"

"Don't worry about it," Soohie said quietly with a blush creeping up her cheeks as she took sudden interest in her shoes. "It wasn't his fault, and nothing happened."

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