this is a (x reader story) this (___) means your name
sokka: watch and learn ladies, this is how you catch a fish.
___ and katara roll their eyes.
___: yes master sokka. (sarcasm) try using your bending. you know for practice. (she whispered to katara. and she nodded. katara began doing movements with her arms and a bubble with a fish inside was floating in the air)
katara: i did it! i caught one!
___: great job kat! (she cheered)
sokka: shh.... both of you or you'll scare the fish away.
(he whisper/yelled)___/katara: but she/i caught one.
sokka turned around and the back of his spear popped the bubble that was soon over his head as katara tried to show him she caught one, and got drenched and the fish got away
sokka: katara!
___: its not her fault. if you would have turned when we told you then you wouldnt be wet, and we would still have the fish. not that i'd eat it
sokka: ___ katara, why is it that whenever you play with magic water i always get soaked.
katara: first of all, its not magic water its-
sokka:yeah yeah, its a unique and so called sacred form and gift of our nation and culture, blah blah blah.
the sisters roll their eyes again
___: and second of all, when you get splashed its her fault not mine, im a great bender... no offence katara
katara: dont worry, i dont get how im the older one and yet your the better bender, but im proud.
___: thanks kat (gasp) sokka look out!
katara: go left! go left! (they crash) you call that left.
sokka: hey if i do such a bad job why didnt you both just use you water bending to make us avoid crashing.
___: so your saying this is our fault?
Sokka: well naturally, i knew i should have left you girls at home.
___: are you saying only girls mess up!
sokka: well there are things girls are good at and this isnt one of them, plus your younger so you mess up even more. you should just stick to cooking.
that comment ticked them both of. but katara was the most angry.
katara: i cant believe you just said that! you are a gross sexist pig! (she waves her arms back and forth angry) i swear i never met someone as ingnorant as you! im embarassed to even be related to you!
sokka: um katara
katara: NO! your going to listen! how can you say because we're girls, corectio young girls, that all we do is mess up!
___: kat calm down
katara: not now ___.... and just beacuse we're younger you think you can boss us aroung?
sokka: katara i REALLY think you should-
katara: youve been this way ever since mom died! we dont need you protecting us! ever since she died youve been telling us what to do! well guess what. were sick of it! you can do your own chores! oh and another thing, have you ever smelt your dirty socks, well let me tell you NOT PLEASENT! we are done being your personal assistants! do you hear me!? DONE!
with that said and katara now done taking out her anger (enough for bothe her and ___) she made a huge crack in the ice burg
___: sis turn around
avatar love story (aang x reader)
FanfictionGuys, I love you, but stop reading this story. It's poorly written. I am slowly uploading the revision version on the account herewerock. You will find my new account on my profile or I'm the conversation page