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a week before aang wakes up

katara: im really starting to get worried, he should be up by now

sokka: not to mention the invasion is in a few days

_: is that all, on your mind

sokka: well its one of the many things

_: dont worry brother, aang will wake up in time

katara: how are you sure

_ looks at her bracelet that should grant her, her sight back, that takes about a weeks effect to work. then back to them... probably (but she is)

_: i have the strongest feeling. (she smiles)

katara knowing there special connection

katara: well, youve never been wrong before

sokka: you and your connections to things, why is it that you have those

she shrugs, her brother leaves the room

katara: you gonna use the charm?

_: yep... concentrate. inhale... exhale.

the charm glows

katara: now in a week you will be able to see again

_: all we have to do is wait.

1 week later

Aang begins to awaken. He sits up and groans. Bandages cover his arms and abdomen. He stares at the floor, his vision blurry and his head swaying.

Aang: (clutching his stomach) What happened?

(Aang looks to the side to reveal that he is inside a room on a Fire Nation ship. Aang looking shocked. Aang turns around and sees the large tapestry with the Fire Nation insignia hanging on the wall behind him.)

Aang: Oh no!

(Aang scrambles off the bed. The metal latch squeaks as Aang opens it and peers outside. Aang slowly hobbles down it the dimly lit hallway, teetering from side to side while using his staff and the wall for support. Aang coming to a corner. He looks around it and sees two Fire Nation soldiers, one very tall and carrying a club, and the other very tiny.)

Tall Fire Nation Soldier: You hear something?

(Aang gasps and puts his back to the wall before turning the corner and swinging his staff and bending a strong gust of wind at the soldiers. The soldiers shield themselves from the attack and Aang runs down the corridor.)

Tall Fire Nation Soldier: He's awake!

(Aang desperately trying to get away from the soldiers, still using his staff for support. The soldiers round the corner and follow after him.)

Tall Fire Nation Soldier: Stop, wait!

(Aang tries to escape, looking back at the soldiers. He comes to a small flight of stairs leading to the deck and climbs up. Aang tries to jump off the steps and onto the deck. Aang falling down. He loses his grip on his staff and it slides across the deck. The dark sky indicates that it is night. Hakoda and Bato are dressed as Fire Nation soldiers and Momo is having his chin scratched by Hakoda. They look down at the staff. Aang has a surprised look on his face.)

Aang: (confused) Momo?

(Momo, Hakoda, and Bato all turn and look at Aang. Momo chirps happily and leaps towards him. Aang picks himself off the floor as Momo jumps on to Aang's shoulders and licks his cheek.

Toph: (off screen) Twinkle-Toes, that's got to be you.

(Cut to a shot of Toph _ and Katara running towards Aang excitedly. Standing in front of Aang are Hakoda, Bato, and a shorter Fire Nation soldier wearing firebender armor. Toph, _, Katara, and the tiny Fire Nation soldier, who is The Duke, walk from the right, while the tall Fire Nation soldier, who is actually Pipsqueak, runs in from the left.)

avatar love story (aang x reader)Where stories live. Discover now