The mission

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As we got the ministry of magic it was like Harry knew exactly where to go. Before I knew it we were surrounded by little glowing balls. As we were walking Neville found a ball that said Harry's name and gave it to him. But as we walked farther we saw smoke flying all around us . Before we could run we were surrounded and I heard the most horrific laugh I had ever heard and I saw her Bellatrix Lestrange... The women who killed my mom. As she was talking I grabbed Neville's hand. We had gotten close since she both kinda destroyed our lives when we were young. As she cackled she saw Neville and I and said " Ohhh Neville how's dear old mum and dad?? Ohhh and look Ms Rory Black... How fun would it be if I killed a whole family." As she said this I screamed " My mother didn't deserve to die but you do you fucking bitch." And I tried to attack her with a spell. After this everyone started attacking each other. As we ran blocking spells we ended up in this room with this awful looking mirror. As we were fighting I felt a hand touch my shoulder it was Sirius I hugged him and said I loved him so much as he smiled at me he told me to be safe and kick ass! As he ran over to help Harry I noticed more of the order had come to help us. I saw my dad and Sirus fighting and then I heard my Sirius scream to Harry " Nice one James." Then as Harry laughed I heard the spell I never wanted to hear " AVADA KEDAVRA" As I looked to see who was hit I saw Sirus fall into that mirror. I was frozen as I screamed and fell to the ground I didn't care if I died. Before I knew it I felt a pair of hands pick me up. It was my dad and we had apperated to 12 Grimmauld Place. I sat silent as my dad hugged me and made sure I was okay. His eyes were tearing up. As I sat their silent I felt a pair of hands touch my shoulder, It was Molly. As I stood up and hugged and cried I heard her whisper " My dear if I could bring him back for you I would do it in a heartbeat. Let's get you to your room." As she was leading me upstairs I stopped and whispered " Molly can you take me to my dads room." She smiled and said " Of course my dear." When I got to my dads room I laid on his bed and sobbed. After what felt like an eternity of sobbing I heard the other get back. I didn't want to see who it was I just wanted to be alone. Until I heard the door open and I saw Harry. As I looked up I remembered that Harry had also just lost someone so I stood up and walked right to him and hugged him. As he cried I whispered " Harry he really loved us I know he did." That only made him cry more so I lead him to the bed where we sat and cried together  " Harry just know I will take care of you." And he smiled and said " Rory he told me awhile back he had written a note for you. It's in his drawer, I found mine a month ago. I think he knew something bad would happen to him." As he laid down in the bed and fell asleep I walked over to the drawer and saw the letter. As I sat on the bed I opened the letter and started to read it.

The letter
To my dearest Rory
Hello my dear, I think by now if you are reading this I must be gone. I am so sorry I had to leave you again Rory. You are my moon and my stars and my everything. I know you must be mad at me for dying but hey I didn't get a choice in that did I. My dear Rory don't let this dull your light. I know you must be upset and feel like the world is over , but I promise you it's not. It's only beginning. You are going to grow and be an amazing women and I know that for a fact. I know you will become a teacher and you will be the most amazing thing to happen at Hogwarts. So don't let this push you back let it push you forward. Also I know that Weasley boy is going to love you probably as much as me so when the time comes he has my blessing to marry you. You better name one of your children after me or I would of died for no reason ahahaha. I love you so much Rory and please when you think of me only think of the happy memories because if that depressing piano song we played taught me  one thing it's important not to dwell on the bad memories. Well my dear I love you so much please shine forever my love.
- Your dad Sirius Black

As I sat reading the letter a smile came over my face. Even when he knew he would probably die he still tried to make me laugh. He was the strongest man I know and I will forever think of him as my hero.

After laying in bed with Harry I decided I needed to move my legs. I saw that everyone was either asleep or gone so I made my way down to the piano. As I sat at the keys crying I started to play the right hand of the song Memory. As I played I cried harder. I didn't even notice that the left hand has started to play next to me. When I looked up I saw Fred. " I always loved watching your dad play with you so I decided I needed to learn." I smiled and hugged him and cried " He's gone Fred... I don't know what to do ." Fred rubbed my back and kissed my head " Rory the only thing you can do is live for him. I know he would want you to do that." As we sat we played the song and smiled. As we got up to go to bed I said " He wrote me a note and told me that you have his blessing when you want to marry me." Fred smiled and whispered " Ohh Rory it's like he read my mind." As we got into bed Fred wrapped his arms around me as tight as he could and whispered " I will never leave you Rory... I promise."

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