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Those three days flew by faster than you expected; with one bleeding into the other until you were carelessly flinging dresses out of your newly packed closet in search of the perfect dress for your lunch meeting with the deans. You’d never spent this long picking your clothes before, always choosing the first presentable dress you got your hands on. But today was the opposite; nothing was flattering enough, pretty enough, comfortable enough, perfect enough.

You settled on a lacy green midi dress with bow sleeves. You slipped on your nude ballet flats, combed through your hair, and left your room. Two fairies were waiting on you outside your door, to lead you to the deans.

You chatted idly with the fairies as you walked through the hallways. Asking questions about what had happened in the years since you left.

You weren't outside Dovey’s office when the fairies stopped; you weren't exactly sure where you were. 

You knocked on the white stained glass door you stood in front of.

“Leo, that's the second time you forget your keys,” Clarissa said as she walked to open the door.

“Y/n, I'm so sorry, I thought you were Lady Lesso. Come in.” The dean apologized. You were only concerned with why the dean of the School for Evil had a key to what appeared to be Clarissa’s home.

"It's okay, Clarissa."

You were too busy looking at the dean's outfit to look around her home. Dressed in a short deep brown slip dress, she was the picture of comfort and beauty.

"How is your room? I hope it meets your standards."

"It's nice. Nowhere near as well-decorated as yours," you said as you looked around her living room. It wasn't just big and overly decorated; it was homey and clearly lived in if the opened book on the armchair was anything to go by.

"I'm sure it looks amazing. You'll have to invite me over soon."

"Invite you where?" You turned to the new voice.

"Lesso, I was just telling Y/n she'd have to invite me to see her room." You were too busy gawking at the redhead that had just let herself in to say anything. She was beautiful, in a ruggedly attractive way. Unlike you and Clarissa, she wore a well-tailored pantsuit.

"Is  the offer open to all, or is only Princess here allowed to visit your quarters?" Lesso asked.

"I- it's open to you both," you got the words out. "If you're willing to bear with the boxes of unpacked books in the lounge."

"Great, Clarissa, and I'll pick you up tomorrow for breakfast." The redhead didn't give you room to decline her offer.

"Talking about food. Since you're both here, let's go eat," Clarissa spoke. She led us both out of her living room and into the dining room.

"Leo, be a dear and help me with the food."

"Do you want my help?" You asked her.

"No y/n/n. Lesso and I can manage, you just sit your cute self right here," Clarissa said as she all but pushed you into a seat. You didn't pay the nickname any mind; it sounded nice coming from the dean.

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