Modern Chapters:1-9

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Chap 1

It was your typical first day of school . I Ate a bowl of fruit loops kicking off my sophomore year. I made more friends than I expected. Most people aren't very fond of my Sarcastic bored energy. However everyone was friendly and I could see this year going way better then last year. Heck, my parents even let me have my own Apartment instead of living on campus. I was beyond happy.

After my first day at school, I came back home, sat on my couch and reflected on my day.I eventually got bored and turned on the TV. The News Channel came on.

" All over the country young girls and boys In their teenage years have mysteriously gone missing. Without a trace of evidence. Here is one the Neighbors of Sammy Cullen, who disappeared back in August."

" I mean its crazy man. Sammy was a lovely kid.She volunteered at soup kitchens and she worked at an orphanage. "

" Do you think she was kidnapped" said Bob.

" She had to be she wouldn't leave without telling someone. Some one had to. Some Evil person. EVIL. GIVE HER BACK RIGHT NOW. YO-"The women sobbed and Bob switched subjects.

" Okay...Anyway, Some kittens-"

I shut off the TV. Wow that was depressing. My Stomach growled.Well,time for some Oreos. I went into my pantry and Scanned the shelves. Swedish fish,Chips Ahoy,Potato Chips but no Oreos. Ugh. I tugged on my Jacket and slipped into my shoes. I opened the door and locked it behind me. I started down the street.

Two minutes into the walk I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and saw a black car inching beside me. I walked faster. Gosh,what a creep. The car sped up and matched my pace. I took off. My heart began to beat quickly. Than i turned behind me to look , tripped over something and came crashing down. Ouch. I skinned my knee. I turned back to see what I had tripped on. There on the side walk was a large rock. It was very out of place since I was on a sidewalk ,nowhere near any woods or caves, where a rock like this one would probably be. I turned back and saw that the pink scar quickly turned red. Looks like i was going to have to get a box of band-aids too. I was hissing in pain when i remembered.I looked around and their was no black car. Maybe I was just paranoid.

I finally reached the convenient store. I bought My Oreos some rubbing alcohol and a box of sponge bob Band-Aids . I left the store and went back home. The whole time I was scanning the area. Nothing. When I returned home I went through the door and let it swing shut behind me. I took off my Jacket and put the bag on the table. I took the alcohol and band aids and went to the bathroom.

When I came back from cleaning up my cut I took my Oreos out of the bag and landed on the couch. I shoved an Oreo in my mouth. I started algebra.

I soon fell asleep. Little did I know that my life would change as soon as my eyelids shut.

Chap 2

My Eyes fluttered open as the sun wished me good morning. WAIT a minute. Sun?!? Last thing I remembered I was in my apartment. All I could hear was the sound of a motor and scratchy radio music.

"-I see Your awake!"

"what?Who are-where am I?"

"In the back of my minivan,Cleo. Are you Hungry?"

"How do you know my name?" I yelled."What the Hell is wrong with you? Take me back. I'll call the police if you don't" I finished.

"Go right on ahead."

I reached for my pocket and grabbed my phone. I started to dial 911.I waited nothing... I tried again and the same response.

"There is no cell service, is there?"

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