Chapter 1: Rude Awakening

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[A/N: Phew! Finally got done writing this. Took FAR longer than I expected it to for it to only be the first chapter... Anyways, here it is! My first attempt at fanfiction. Probably sucks ass... Regardless, I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading it! Throughout the story, you may notice "Now Playing" sections. These are NOT part of the story script, and simply the music I had in mind while writing each section. In order to not break up the pace of the story, I have not provided links here, but all of the songs can be found on YouTube. These are NOT essential to reading the story, and are only there for if you want them. Now... onto likely the worst thing you've ever read!]

[A/N 1/3/2022: Removed most of the "Soundtrack." Will now only use this for certain scenes since I feel like it's clogging up the story. Edited some of the wording to flow better along with changing certain scenes.]


These were the first words I heard as I slowly drifted into consciousness. I felt like I was endlessly floating in the ocean... As I began to attempt to open my eyes, various questions began to pop up in my mind... What was going on? Was this some kind of dream? Where was my bed? Why was it so... cold?



I could barely even begin to process answers to said questions before the glass door in front of me gave way, spilling both my tired body & the cold liquid surrounding me onto the hard tile floor below. As I tried to open my eyes, my retinas were immediately stung by the bright lights above. Shielding my still-adjusting eyes with my arm, I slowly attempted to get on my feet.

"Urgh... why did it have to be so bright in here?"

As I got up, I started to look around the room I had found myself in. It seemed very... clinical? The floors were made of cold, steel tiling, with the walls being made of solid concrete, nothing really covering them aside from two white stripes & a barrage of pipes poking through that seemingly connected to the tube that I had just come out of. Obviously, this didn't compliment the fact that the room itself was a complete mess. Huge chunks of the tiled ceiling were missing, with wires hanging everywhere. To my left, a dusty pile of cardboard boxes, miscellaneous junk, and... traffic cones? Where the hell did I wake up, the DMV? Looking to my right, there was little of note aside from an open air duct and a seemingly random piece of origami.

"Great. One minute I'm sitting at my desk in the middle of the night trying to cram for college finals, next I wake up coming out of some crazy sci-fi chamber in the middle of the local DMV's mad science lab."

After starting to put together the pieces in my head, I realized it had taken this long for the reality of the situation to finally hit me:

"Oh god, I've been kidnapped..."

I started to take deep breaths, trying to keep myself from panicking. I had to think positively... I had woken up completely unrestrained, and as of yet, not seen a single person. Maybe my kidnappers had made some kind of mistake in releasing me? Surely, if they put me in that machine to keep me asleep, they would've sent someone to restrain me once I woke up. If I was going to escape, now was the time to do it...

As I started to walk forward, I suddenly felt a cool breeze blow across my chest. Realizing this, I looked down to take in what I was wearing.

"Oh, COME ON. They took my CLOTHES too?"

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