First chapter 🤯

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Jack is a very normal guy. He works a normal job and does normal activities. But for some reason things just keep happening to him.

He'll be walking home from his normal job and some dickhead will try and mug him. He'll clock into work early and some dickhead will try and rob the store. Jack's just gonna take it as his life isn't good enough, he has these weird things happen to him every single day. He doesn't even know what they are or why they're happening.

They could just be random coincidences like someone trying to mug him or being hit by a car. It's fine by Jack, he knows he's not at fault for it so he doesn't care as long as it doesn'tdoesnt cost him too muchto much.
"Hey Niki, guess what happened this time!" Jack walked behind the register and started to clock in when he noticed a kid staring at him.
"Who the fuck are you kid?" Jack said jumping a little as the kid snorts at him.

"I'm the new hire asshat. Niki said you would train me." They kid grumbled out as Jack noticed he was wearing an employee uniform.

"Uh give me a sec" Jack walked around the corner to the manager's office and knocked on the door.
"Oh hey Jack, is there something wrong?" Niki said as she opened the door

"What's all this about a new hire?" Jack said in a hushed tone

"Sorry I didn't tell you about him, it was a quick hire made by the big guy after you clocked out yesterday." Niki said giving a small smile, "Try to be nice to him Jack hes a good kid"

"Ah another suprise adoption I see. Well I guess I'll go help him out. Bye Niki"

"Bye jack"

*Well time to go train this kid*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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