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After Marcel was sure that the twins were out of hearing range, he entered the room and closed the door behind him. Then he goes and lights something in a bowl that was kept there it was supposed to keep anyone from hearing their talk.

"You have to undo whatever spell you did on Klaus or Hope and Aiden will set the entire town on fire if they don't find him within an hour or so," Marcel informs them and looks at them "What is happening here, Marcel?" Freya asks him with confusion written all over her face.

"I will tell you my part of the story but the rest is something only Klaus has the right to tell you," Marcel says and motions them to take a seat, some of them do whereas some don't.

"Years ago I came across this certain type of witch that can see the future, at first I didn't believe it but then I saw it happening. Everything she told me came true, the wedding, Dahlia, Josh's boyfriend getting killed, Hayley's failed attempt, and Klaus putting the curse on the wolves. Everything happened exactly the way that witch told me, remember that day Gia when I told you to go out of town and bring some weird herbs for me when Klaus attacked the compound." Marcel says and Gia nods while others look at them quietly.

"It was not any random order, it was necessary to get you out of town that day otherwise you wouldn't have been alive by now. Klaus came to the compound to kill you to get back to Elijah or so Dahlia made him think, I knew about it that's why I told you to leave that day and something changed, the witch told me that you would die no matter what but you didn't, you're still alive." Marcel takes a deep breath before continuing.

"The night you guys got back to the compound after killing Dahlia you all were arguing over something downstairs in the dining room when I came to the compound to tell you guys about this but after everything, I heard and saw there, I knew things weren't going to end the way I wanted them to so instead of informing all of you about this, I choose only one person, Klaus." Marcel states and everyone was already looking at him with wide eyes.

"That night I told Klaus to leave and take Hope with him to keep her safe because death is something that is all around the Mikaelsons except for him." Marcel and Hayley glare at him.

"After a week was the day Klaus left but while driving we stopped at the town border we heard a baby crying then we saw that there was a house that was on fire, at first I wanted to leave but Klaus didn't think twice before getting out of the car and telling me to stay with Hope. After a few minutes he came back but wasn't alone he had a baby in his arms who was perfectly fine, not a single scratch on him, that was the day we found Aiden after doing some research we found out that Aiden was just a month older than Hope and that he used to live with his parents who sold him to man for some hundreds of dollars, Klaus didn't find anyone in that house except for a dead man and Aiden so we decided to take Aiden with us instead of sending him back to those good for nothing parents." Marcel points towards the collage which had a particular photo in which two babies were kissing Klaus's cheeks from both sides while he was smiling.

"Klaus decided to adopt Aiden that day and Aiden was the name given to him by Klaus because we couldn't find out what his real name was, as Hope and Aiden grew together their bond was unbreakable no one or nothing could ever come between them. Despite not being related by blood they were more like twins than the ones who were, soon both of them started calling themselves twins and it just stuck." Marcel ends the story of Aiden.

"After leaving New Orlean no one knew where Klaus went, not even me until the very next year during Christmas when I got an invitation to celebrate Christmas with my family, I knew it was Klaus and I went there. We were already clear with our plan, that Klaus will keep Hope and Aiden safe while I'll come back to New Orlean and defeat all our enemies and make the city safe for them to return but every time a new problem or an enemy would show up." Marcel tells them.

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