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"I was going to ask you to handle but then I realized that you're not just a vampire anymore, you too are Klaus and Hope, a vampire with wolf venom," Mia says and points at the father-daughter duo who nods.

"Is this about those Nazi people you told Hope and me about?" Aiden asks Mia who nods and Hope looks at her father with wide eyes "You went to fight those monsters alone? You could've gotten bind again?" Hope shouts at her father with wide eyes.

"No Hope-" Klaus tries to say but Hope cuts him off while others listen to them with their eyes wide and shocked expressions even some gasps were heard "YOU WOULD'VE BEEN BOUND AGAIN? Does that not matter to you?" Hope asks him and Klaus shakes his head.

"No, it doesn't matter to me because people were the ones I love the most or the ones I can't let die, and it's not easy for anyone to bind my nature this time, those people they had witches, yes, but those witches are nothing like my mother, Dahlia, Bonnie, Hope, Aiden, or you, they are not that strong," Klaus tries to explain himself but he doesn't get a positive response from anyone.

Caroline looks at Bonnie "You were with him right? Why didn't you tell us about this?" the vampire asks her best friend and everyone looks at Bonnie "I had no idea about this, when did you even get the time to kill these Nazi people?" Bonnie asks Klaus who smirks in return.

"I had the inner circle people there first and then after making sure when you were asleep I told someone to guard your door while I killed the entire community, only two people got away and I have their current location too," Klaus says and Mia looks at him.

"Of course you do, you just wouldn't be you if you don't have the whole control of any situation, right guys?" Mia asks as she glared at Klaus and Hope and Aiden chuckled at this with a nod while Marcel, Bonnie, and Caroline also noted their heads with a 'yes'.

Klaus's smirk fall and he shakes his head before looking around "Why am I being questioned the first thing in the morning in my backyard, it's not like I did something wrong," Klaus says and moves towards the house while Mia just followed him with her arms crossed.

"Excuse me, mister, this is not just your home, and you're lucky that all that's happening is you're just being questioned if it were up to me you should be getting-" Mia tries to find the right word when Hope and Aiden shout from behind "punished," both kids yell at the same time and they both start giggling and laughing loudly as both Klaus and Mia turn to look at them.

Everyone, there was just looking at the two kids and the big smiles on their faces, Klaus playfully glares at his kids while Mia nods in agreement "Right punished, what punishment do you think is right for you dad kids?" Mia asks the two who were still laughing loudly.

Klaus glares at the three who were making fun of him but he knew it was all a joke and nothing serious "Ground him," Hope and Aiden tell Mia which makes Marcel, Bonnie, and Caroline laugh too and others just chuckle at this.

"Right," Mia says and turns to smirk at the hybrid who scoffs at everyone before making his way toward his room "Come on kids, go and get ready, it's gonna be a long day," Mia tells Hope and Aiden who both nod and leave but only after hugging the witch and kissing her cheek, Mia also smiles and kisses their head affectionately.

Mia looks at Marcel and Caroline "Oh my god, I missed you both," Mia says dramatically and hugs both of them, Bonnie laughs and Mia also gives her a small hug "How are you all?" Mia asks the three and they all just smile at her.

"Judging by the number of people in our home, I am guessing the twins decided to meet the family, how come no one ever told me about this?" Mia asks Marcel who shakes his head "They somehow tracked this house and Klaus," Marcel tells the witch who looks at him confused.

"It's not possible, the spell that's keeping this house cloaked is way stronger than any witch alive except the three of us, and more importantly the spell is bound by A's blood, there's no way any witch in existence can break it including Hope, Bonnie, and I," Mia says and looks at the family members.

"Who found us?" Mia asks everyone but she doesn't get any reply so she looks at Marcel, Caroline, and Bonnie "I was busy arranging security vamps for the house protection that night, but from what I have heard it was Elijah who got the address," Marcel says and points towards Elijah which makes Mia let out a small laugh.

"Elijah Mikaelson, the Nobel one, I knew you had some contact but I want to know who gave you our location?" Mia asks Elijah in her sweet yet cold voice as she looks at Elijah with her most innocent look and polite smile but her eyes were filled with curiosity and hidden rage.

Someone who was not good at reading people might have gotten fooled but Elijah was well experienced with these types of situations because of his brother, he smiled at the witch and looked at Mia with an amused expression

"Well Ms. Ricci, I have the responsibility to make sure my people are protected so I am sorry but I cannot give you the name," Elijah says and Mia nods with a smile "Tell your little informant to run and hide because I am coming for them," Mia tells the original vampire in a dangerous tone before looking at the whole family with a sweet smile.

"Welcome to our home, hope you all have a good stay and soon get back to your place," she tells the whole family before leaving, Bonnie and Caroline bite their lip to hide their laugh whilst Marcel also coughs to hide his laugh before they all made their way back in the house.


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