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Marcel was driving back from New Orleans to the house after three days, on the other hand, Klaus and Bonnie were still waiting for the right time to attack, they found out that the whole group would be gathering on Sunday along with all prominent leaders from all over the world.

Hope and Aiden were missing their father very much, and all the other family members were trying to get to know the kids well, Aiden was reacting somewhat well but Hope was very distant, she didn't like talking to any of them or even being near them.

Hope always stayed in her room or Aiden's room or the art room, she only came out to eat or to sleep, she tried avoiding everyone except her brother, Caroline, and Mia, she heard that Marcel's mission got over sooner than they expected so he was coming back.

Hayley tried approaching her daughter a few times but Hope either walked away or didn't respond well to her, Jackson on the other hand was getting more and more eager to leave the house.

Jackson, Vincent, and Keelin were soon going to return to New Orleans, Jackson wanted Hayley to come back with him but she just yelled at him and left when she heard this but he was sure that he didn't want to stay there any longer now.

Aiden was not leaving any chance to show the male wolf his place, he made sure to remind Jackson every day that he was alpha of once a mighty pack and that was also only because he was the namesake husband of Hayley, and Hayley was also so known and strong because she was one of the only four hybrids in the world.

Aiden once saw his father's memories and he knew exactly how these people treated him so he was sure of his intentions, call him vengeful or whatever you want but when it came to his father, Aiden was the worst and the best one you have to deal with.

Hope always stayed beside her brothers and glared at the man she didn't even think she should waste her energy talking to, It was pretty amusing for Marcel and Mia while Caroline tried to dial down on the negative emotions filling this house which never happened before.

It was just another day in the Mikaelson home, both Hope and Aiden were running around the house while Mia and Caroline were trying to get them to do the training which they refused to do till Klaus came.

Marcel was out for some errands and the rest of the family was just sitting outside in the garden watching both the teenagers enjoying themselves with Mia, everyone had a small smile on their face.

Hope and Mia were chasing Aiden who was running around the garden, Caroline was done with today's work with the twins and Mia was also just having fun now but suddenly out of nowhere Jackson stepped out of the backdoor and bumped into Aiden on the stair that were leading to garden.

Both Aiden and Jackson fall down, rolling down the stairs "AIDEN!" Hope yells as she rushes behind her brother grabbing everyone's attention, soon both Aiden and Jackson are lying in the garden with their head bleeding and a few scratches here and there.

Aiden's wounds were healing faster than normal but Hope was still scared and she just pulled him in a hug and held him close to her, Aiden also sensed his sister's emotions and hugged her back tightly.

"Are you okay?" Caroline asks the boy who nods before trying to pull away from Hope but the tribrid just shakes her head "What if you seriously got hurt, Aiden, where was your attention?" Mia scolds the boy who just sighs before glaring at Jackson who was now standing while leaning on Hayley for support.

 Jackson was way more hurt than Aiden because Aiden healed but Jackson didn't "It was his fault, he suddenly came out and bumped into me," Aiden accuses which makes Jackson glare back at the boy but before he could say anything Hope loses it.

"My brother got hurt because of you," Hope pulls away from Aiden and stands up as she glares at the wolf "Why are you even here? don't you all understand, we don't want you here, go away," Hope yells at them while Aiden tries to stop her but she is not listening to anyone.

Jackson was getting more and more pissed off by every passing second, he yells back at both Aiden and Hope "You both are brats, you both have no manners, didn't your great father teach you how to speak to your elder," Jackson shouts back which makes Aiden's eyes go dark at the mention of his father's name.

Before anyone could say anything, Aiden lunges on the wolf and punches him in the face "YOU WILL NEVER MENTION MY FATHER FROM YOUR MOUTH! EVER!" Aiden was holding a bloody Jackson from his collar.

Aiden had quite a height for someone his age, and he was stronger than any normal person, Jackson was trying to fight back he just could not match Aiden's power, Mia, Hope, and Caroline were just standing behind while some were just too shocked and others just didn't care about the male wolf.

Hayley and Elijah try to intervene but Caroline stops them "Don't!" she tells them and both look at her confused "It's for your own good! No one goes near Aiden when he's filled with rage, you can get hurt, like real serious hurt," Caroline informs them and they both look at Hope who just turns away.

"He should've thought about taking dad's name, he's just paying for what he did," Hope says casually, Aidne again starts punching the wolf, no one dared to go near the two, and Jackson was almost close to losing his consciousness when someone's loud yell stops everyone in their tracks including Aiden.



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