Chapter 14

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I sighed as he walked out the door I knew he left to go to work without me now I have to walk. I went upstairs quicky and changed and put on my makeup and curled my hair. I hurried downstairs cause I knew if I was late Harry would yell at me no mater if he likes me that way or not hes still going to be a dick.

I walked down the streets as fast as I could to try and not be late. I was almost there when I bumped into someone in all black hmm all black in this summer heat.

"Im so sorry I didnt mean to bump into you like that!" I appologised. I looked at him he was kinda short with dark brown hair and blue eyes and about my age I have never seen him befor.

He looked me up and down "You know you better watch out who you bump into Grace! And better stay close to that little boyfriend of yours." He said getting closer too me "You dont wanna know what I can do to you" he backed away and as soon as that and vanished like out of no where. WTH JUST HAPPEND THAT WAS SO CREEPY.

I started running down the street back to work good thing it was close so I can actually get my breath Im already late and dont mention scared to death.

"THATS ONE HELL OF A HICKY YOU GOT THERE GRACE" I heard Niall shout as I walked in the studio out of breath. Omg I tottally forgot to cover it up. I turned bright as a tomato even more red then I already was from running.

"Grace why are you late?" I heard Harry yell as I sat down In my office. He came in and closed the door and locked it. Oh great. I was still scared and paranoid from that guy that stoped me and seamed to know who I was. He could tell something was up.

"Maybe cause you left with the car and I had to walk here" I said without looking him in the eye and pretended I was looking at some paperwork of somekind. "Im sorry about that I probably sould have atleast drove you here." He said.

I took out my makeup bag and started putting on foundation over my mark he gave me. He stared at me. "Is everything ok Grace you look kinda shakey?" He asked getting closer to me and cupping my cheek. "Um everythings fine." I lied nothing was fine at all. "Dont lie to me Grace I know somethings wrong with you please tell me you can trust me." He said sitting down with me on the floor. "Yeah im not forsure about that. " Not after some creepy man came up to me and said things he knows about me and Harry i thought. " WAIT WHAT MAN?" he grabbed my hands. I forgot he can read minds. He has to stop doing that. Maybe I should tell him it involves him and I dont want to get hurt by that mystery guy. "Well on my way to work I bumped into this guy and he was wearing all black he was kinda short and about out age with brown hair and blue eyes and he just seemed to know me but I dont know him." I said. "What did he say to you?" He asked as his grip on me got tighter and he scooted closer. " He said I better watch my back and stay close to that little boyfriend of mine I guess he was refering to you." I saw him smirk "Then he said that I didnt know the things he could do to me." I stated. " And im just scared and dont know what to do." I said.

"Dont worry baby, Ill tak care of you nothing will happen to you if you stay with me." Harry said. He helped me up to my feet. "Thank you" I said. He smiled and gave me a hug It was acually kinda nice for once. "Oh and i think you missed a spot" he said pointing to my neck and smirking. Way to ruin the moment. " Oh and Ill take you home today and from now on meet me in the front in a bit ok love" he asked. "Only if i have too" i smirked. "Yes you have to babe" he winked and left out the door.

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