Chapter 3

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"Wwew just made it!" I exclamed.

"Goodmorning Grace."

"Oh Goodmorning Sam." I said. Her real name is Samantha but we call her Sam for short. We both work in the offices for music production under Harry's line. We have to talk to all the celebs and set up meetings for him so he can give the details to his dad Simon.

"You are sure cutting it short today arn't you anything happen?" she asked as I sat down in my desk thats across from hers.

"Too be honest, so much has happend this morning, I am in a complete daze." I sighed.

"That seems to happen to you alot... Oh no." she says worried.

"What?" I asked as I turned around. "ohhh no!"

"You made a complete mess of my meetings I asigned you the other day!"

"Im so sorry Harry.. I" I say as Harry stands towering above me staring me down.

"Get it done right by lunch time, and bring it straight to me. You hear?" he cut me off.

"Of course, Im really sorry." I said as he walked off.

"Ouch, that was really bad, are you ok?" Sam asked.

"Yeah yeah im fine, he could have been a bit less harsh, though."

"I mean I could like hear the ground shaking when he growled my name that time." I said.

"Yeah but that growl is what makes it so amazing its hot you know." she says.

"How does that make him hot in any way Sam?" I asked.

"Ohh it does Grace it does." she says as couple of the other girls in the office join in on our conversation.

"I mean like everyone wants to be around him, even with his temper."

"Hes so young and hot just 20 years old."

"You are so lucky Grace he could yell at me any time of day."

Seriously what is wrong with these girls I thought.

"I mean I know hes pretty hot and everything but... I dont know what you see in him." I said.

Later that afternoon.

"Zayn and Liam you will have to fill this hole left by this disaster of a job." Simon told them.

Looks like Simons having a meeting with all the boys guess Ill come back later.

"It must be so great being them all under 22 and having a father whos rich." Sam said as we walked down the hallway.

Id love to be them or someone high up that gets to talk to them atleast.

"Ahhh didnt I bump into you this morning what are you doing here." Liam said holding up the door for me as he speeks.

"Oh thank you!" I said.

"You're very welcome well, Ill catch you later." he says. He is such a nice guy he really is.

"Excuse me ummm Harry?" I ask.


After the shock of the collision passes, I realize my dress is wet.

"Oh my God, look where you are going you got coffee all over me!" Harry yells.

"Im so Sorry! I didnt expect you to be coming so fast... heres your papers Ill get out of your way then." I say.

" Not so fast, Ive got a coffee stain on my shirt thanks to you." he says grabbing my arm.

What does he want me to do pay to have it cleaned. I am so taken back that he starts up again befor I have a chance to speak..

"Dont you know how to apologize?" he says.

"Well of course Im really sorry." I say.

"Yeah whatever, Get those clothes off now!" he says.

"Huh? What?" I back away but Harry grabs my arm.

"Or maybe you would prefer If I take them off for you?" he smirks.

"What?" I ask.

"You decide, but make it quick I dont like waiting. Cmon strip or be stripped. Which is it going to be?" he said backing me up against the wall.

I notice a faint smile on Harrys very atyractive lips.

OMG what am I supposed to do I thought.

Just as I tottaly freeze up.

"Hahahaha" he laughs.

"Cmon im not serious Im messing with you." he says.

"What!" I say still shocked.

"Here use this.." he hands me a napkin "Most of the coffee went on you any way. And Im sorry for teasing you." he says as he walks off.

Wow I really cant figure out if hes a nice guy or a tottal jerk!

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