Chapter 5

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A week had passed and things were going smoothly the only person she hadn't really talked to was Edward. He seemed really closed off compared to everyone else and he didn't really talk much unless he was on stage speaking.

"Lacey we're going out to eat do you want to come with?" Vesta asked as they sat in her room.

"I'll go if Arden goes, I don't want to leave her behind," Lacey responded. "I'll go check really fast and see if she wants to come with," she got off of Vesta's bed.

On the way to her own room she accidently bumped into Edward as he walked out of his room. "I'm so sorry. I didn't see you coming." Lacey apologised to the older boy as she stood back up.

Edward yelled at Lacey as she cowered back from him, "Watch where you're going bitch, you could've hurt one of us!"

Lacey knew Edward was high, his eyes were dilated and the smell of cannabis was strong on him. She wanted to speak but her body wouldn't let her. Lacey had never been in a situation like this so she kept quiet not wanting to cause any unnecessary drama.

"I know you're not mute so why aren't you talking, are you afraid? You're on tour sweety you should be getting over that... Social anxiety of yours," Edward was taunting Lacey as his eyes wandered the hall acting as if they controlled themselves.

Moments later the door to Lacey's room opened, she didn't hesitate getting up and entering her safe haven. Arden had backed away from the doorway quickly preventing yet another collision.

"What was all that about?" Arden asked in confusion.

"I accidently bumped into Edward as he walked out of his room. I should have been more careful, I could have hurt one of us," Lacey rambled on convincing herself that the whole thing was her fault.

"I'm sure you were careful, besides you couldn't have predicted Edward was going to come out of his room. He hasn't done that since tour started unless it was to speak. You think he'd at least prepare a speech with all his spare time, but he decides to a be a hermit and do nothing. Why do you think he is falling behind in votes," Arden stated before realizing she was rambling.

"He doesn't work on speeches that's for sure," Lacey said under her breath not wanting to be mean but not wanting to lie either.

"Do you know what he does in his room or something?" Arden's face showed pure confusion.

"Well I don't know for sure, but I have a pretty accurate theory... When I bumped into him I could smell something funny. I think it was cannabis."

"What's cannabis?"

"Oh sorry, it's the technical term for weed. I was doing a reading on teen drug abuse and cannabis just sounded nicer than weed or pot so I decided to use it instead." Lacey let out a little laugh as she had calmed down while explaining why she used the word.

"No it's okay I just haven't heard that word in a while. Anyway I thought you were hanging out with Vesta, why are you back here so soon?," Arden asked.'

"Oh yeah, I came back to ask if you want to go eat with everyone. I didn't want to leave you here."

"I'll be fine don't worry, I get left alone at home all the time. Eating in public still isn't... within my comfort zone if you know what I mean," by this time Arden had sat back down on the couch and was flipping through channels on the television, "Besides I'm sixteen. I think I can handle being on my own for an hour or so."

"Okay well I guess I'll see you later than. Bye Arden."


"Arden I'm back," Lacey said as she closed the door.

"Lacey I got him suspended from the tour. I'm such a horrible person, how could I of done that to him. He's never done anything wrong to me," Arden was pacing the room as she ran her hand through her hair.

"You told Jallicynn that he was smoking?! He is going to think it was me."

"Go tell him now that it wasn't you. He's on the first flight out tomorrow morning," Arden pointed towards the door. Lacey didn't waste a second with rushing to his door

"Edward open up, we need to talk about this," Lacey pounded her tiny fist on the door.

Edwards hotelroom door flew open and Lacey instantly regretted doing this. She cowered back intimidated by his tall and muscular structure. Edward's pupils were still dilated meaning the drugs still were not out of his system. He gripped her shoulder tightly pulling her in the room closing the door with force.

"You think you're so high and mighty being little miss perfect don't you? You got my only chance of ever getting into a good university ruined!," Edwards hand came in contact with Lacey's face leaving a bright red mark. She winced gripping her cheek. It was sure to be swollen at the least. He continued to be Lacey for the following minutes. She didn't have the strength to speak and let him know she wasn't the one who turned him in. She wouldn't even if she could, Lacey was terrified he would do the same thing to Arden.

There was a banging on the door. "What's going on in there," it could be made out to be Jallicynn's worried voice. The banging on the door stopped and the door handle started shaking instead. After a moment the door burst open. Lacey went unconscious as Jallicynn pushed Edward off of her.

"We need to get her to the hospital!" Jallicynn rushed out of the room carrying her to the lobby to await an ambulance.

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