Chapter 3

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"Okay Dear, all you need to do is sign this paper that states once you've started the tour you can't back out before the end." Jallicynn explained to Lacey as they sat in one of the many rented hotel rooms.

She was hesitant to to sign the papers Jallicynn had laid out. "What if I can't finish the tour? Do you expect me to go with what I am already hesitant about?"

"Not being physically capable of going on and backing out are two different things Lacey. Now, come on I want you to meet the others, just sign the papers and I'll explain it better later," Lacey sighed, signing her name at the bottom of the paper. She quickly became uneasy knowing she has to meet everyone now.

"Everyone this is Lacey, the final member that will be joining us for the 2015 Ten Teen National Tour. Lacey this is Vesta, Arden, Perri, Casey, Thomas, Marcus, Lucas, and James. Each one of you is here for a different reason, so don't be shy when mingling with the others. Where is Edward?"

"He's in his room something about wanting to be alone." Perri quickly replied to Jallicynn. She spoke as if she knew more than she let off. Perri was among the youngest of all the teens only being fourteen but she looked to be much older. Having perfectly curled royal blue, bright green eyes covered by glasses, and a complimenting pale complexion.

Lacey looked blankly at the crowd of people in front of her. They look to be all different ages; ranging anywhere from as young as fourteen to as old nineteen. Jallicynn left the room leaving Lacey to mingle with the strangers.

The first one to speak up looked to be around her age with brown hair, green eyes and a slightly tan complexion. "Hey Lacey I'm James if you didn't catch that before. If you need help preparing for your speech or you just need someone to talk to, we're here for you."

"Thanks." She looked at the ground a slight smile playing on her face. At least she knows she'll have at least one friend. "What time is the first speech or presentation going on?" She spoke up not wanting to, but doing so anyway.

"It starts around two so we're heading there in about an hour." A girl replied, the one Jallicynn referred to as Arden.

"I'm going to go get ready." Lacey waved bye to everyone headed to her own room. Jallicynn said each of them has a roommate but she still doesn't who her's is. Seeing luggage by one of the beds she took the available open one.

As everyone arrived at the convention center each person separated to go over what they were going to say on stage. Lacey was the first one up and she had practiced on the way here mentally preparing herself. She stepped onto the stage and took a deep breath.

She paused taking in the scene for a second; at least 600 people sat in the crowd in front of her. She wanted to leave but she couldn't. Lacey knew she had to get better for her Dad and for Haley. After taking one more long breath she looked past everyone and started speaking.

"Social anxiety is, as stated on, the extreme fear of being scrutinized and judged by others in social or performance situations. This disorder affects 6.8% of US adults today. The amount of children affected can not be recorded accurately due to the fact that 36% of the people who have symptoms don't seek help for an average of 10 years." she paused to take a breath.

"Many people start experiencing symptoms at the age of 13. I was one of the few who was diagnosed right away. I was bullied for three years by the same people and in the process I lost my best friend was diagnosed with multiple mental disorders and had to move all the way across the country just to stop the harassment. I was all alone and in a way I still am. The others speaking on this tour have seemed to accept me and I'm still adjusting. Honestly before I found out about this tour I had only talk to one person since my friend passed, and that one person was my Dad." Lacey let out a little laugh before continuing.

"If you couldn't tell I'm still not over my social anxiety. I haven't looked a single one of you in the eye. I don't know how many stops into the tour I'll be able to do that. But I have faith in myself that I will be able to eventually. All I have to do is try, all you have to do is try. All you need to do is surround yourself with positive people who make you a better and you believe in yourself. Cause the you surround yourself with can only help you so much. Their help wont do anything if you don't believe in yourself."

"Lacey your time is up." Jallicynn state from the side of the stage.

"That's all I have for today. I'll see you guys at the next stop if you decide to join us once again, farewell everyone."

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