Chapter 6

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The last person to speak had just walked off stage and everyone in the crowd was waiting in anticipation. Jallicynn was going to announce the winner of the scholarship to Harvard. The tension and excitement behind stage was uncontrollable and still building.

"I would like to bring every teen that took part in speaking during the duration of this tour onto the stage please," all the teens walked onto the stage. "This is the moment you have all been waiting for, voting is now closed" a crew member ran out and handed her an envelope. "In this envelope, we have the receiver of the 2015 Ten Teen National Tour Harvard Scholarship... and the lucky teen is," Jallicynn opened the envelope, "Lacey Clark!"

The crowd erupted with cheers, as Lacey dropped to the ground with excitement. She had always wanted to get into harvard, and now she had. Making her the youngest female to have had made it into Harvard ever.

"Congratulations Lacey, you've earned it." Arden helped Lacey back to her feet, as they exchanged smiles with each other.

Jallicynn handed Lacey the microphone so she could say a small thanks, ""I wouldn't have made it this far in the tour if it weren't for a few people who I now consider my friends. Those people are Arden, Marcus, Vesta, and James. They've helped pull me along the whole summer. When I was introduced to everyone, James was the first to step up and let me know I was welcome. When I wasn't comfortable being away from home Arden was there making her sassy and sometimes weird comments to distract me. Vesta if it weren't for you I wouldn't have even known about the whole scholarship thing until moments ago so thanks for informing ahead of time, and Marcus. Marcus you just made it easier for me to come out of my shell. You listened and never judged me, thank you. I really needed that. And I wouldn't have even won if it weren't for you amazing people in the crowd. Thank you all for making it possible for me to go to my dream university. It means the world to me and I'll never forget this experience," Lacey lowered her hands signaling she was done.

Everyone Gathered in a big group hug in the middle of the stage. "I'm going to miss you guys," Lacey whispered to on one in particular.


Lacey opened her front door as she waved the taxi off. "Dad I'm home," she dropped her bag by the door and walked into the kitchen.

"How was your summer Sweety? I've been watching the video uploads of your speeches," he embraced her in a hug, "I missed you, you've seemed to have healed since the incident with that Edward boy."

"Yeah, it was just a broken arm, nothing to extreme," Lacey laughed a little while pulling out of the warm embrace. "I really missed you on the tour, but I'm so glad I went. I made so many friends and the places we visited, oh they were so beautiful. I even won the scholarship to Harvard. Everyone was so supportive, when they could have been cruel to me just cause I won and they didn't. It was weird having to call the tour the Ten Teen Tour even after Edward was sent home but I guess it was for the best. Oh my goodness I need to text them and let them know I made it home safely."

Lacey pulled out her phone and group messaged her four friends. The message read "Hey guys just got home can't wait to hang out next summer."

Lacey's dad smiled at his daughter who over the course of one summer went from a socially awkward teenager who had no friends to an outgoing young lady who has spread her wings.

"I'm proud of you, you've blossomed so much since the beginning of the summer and now that you graduated from high school you can attend Harvard in the fall."

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