Fate/Timeline Shift pt. 3

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(Yall ever just jaheodjwhsuejrosjanrdn?)


It was a new day, the sun shining brightly, illuminating Fuyuki entirely. There were no clouds covering the sun, making this a bright and productive-

"Shirou, if you had the chance, would you turn the sun off?" This beautiful morning was interrupted by the despair of the 23rd president.

"...John this is the third time. No, I wouldn't turn off the sun." Shirou responded, already tired of John's shenanigans.

John really changed once he died and got his powers, focusing more on the 'fun' factor of his life rather than the life of a country. Therefore, becoming more care-free than anything else.

Thus, he was complaining about the sun for the first time of his second life. Note the 'second' there, since he has complained about the sun very vividly in his past life.

"Why is that, Shirou?" John had gotten tired of saying 'master', so he just started calling him by his name. Shirou didn't complain, actually, he was kind of relieved, because being called 'master' by anyone is very uncomfortable.

"Because the sun, to me, is a beacon of productivity." The sizzle of a pan was very apparent. What was also very apparent was Taiga suspended in the air in slow motion, in a drop-kick position, aiming for Shirou.

Shirou deadpanned at this, placing a hand on Taiga's legs and pushing it slightly to the side, throwing off her trajectory. Then, Taiga's drop-kick missed, but she was still going slow motion.

She got a certain distance away from Shirou and returned to normal speed, crashing on the floor due to the drop-kick attempt. She slowly got up as she spoke: "John...why, just why did you give Shirou time magic?! Now I can't drop-kick him anymore!"

Yes, Taiga knew about Thaumaturgy -- although she calls it Magic -- because Shirou introduced John to both Taiga and Sakura. By extension, he also introduced Thaumaturgy to Taiga. Sakura, the sweet girl as she is, already knew about Thaumaturgy, although defenitely not in the best life.

Now moving on- wait, you're questioning how Shirou learned Time Magecraft? Well, John managed to shimmy Kiritsugu's Magic Crest and applied it to Shirou, giving him the ability to use Time Magecraft and a bonus of 20 extra Mana Circuits. He needed to go and contact the version of himself that had the Fifth Magic to turn back time so that he could get the Crest. Complicated stuff.

"I literally did not teach him a thing, but whatever." John floated peacefully in the kitchen, watching Shirou do his thing. Cooking.

"Breakfast's ready." Sakura was just going down the stairs when she heard this, motivating her even more to go downstairs...not that she needed anymore, the existence of Shirou was enough.

Taiga, being Taiga, went faster than the speed of sound to sit down at the table. Yes, she can do that. No, it makes no sense. Then, everyone sat around the table, eating breakfast.


Okay so John may have eaten more food than Shirou, Sakura or Taiga have ever seen someone eat. And, to be fair, Japanese have very small stomachs. Like they can eat a singular rice grain and function for a whole day. They (with the exception of Taiga), went towards school. Shirou was slightly amused at John's PTSD of school.

"Do you reeeeeally need to-" "Yes." John started, but Shirou interrupted. John was floating beside Shirou, Sakura at the other side. John could see a tinge of red in her face, but ignored it.

"Oh, here comes princess with Actually Satan in tow." John pointed out, as the two who were mentioned (Rin and Archer), were approaching their position.

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