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It took three months for the Drunken Raider to anchor to Tortuga. To be honest, Mark was not pleased to find hard ground again, but the thought was quickly eclisped by the treasure that was the island. There were noise, people, alcohol, ladies and a lot of other good things he was more than ready to enjoy. They were here to enjoy their time, and for Dolman to sell some stolen merchandise. Mark followed him. He learned that having a gun pointed at one's genitals is as effective a way to negotiate than good elocution.

The room they were in was well decorated for a room found on this particular island. There were shiny trinkets everywhere, and Mark didn't know where to look. While the captain was focused on negotiating with the other guy, Mark swiftly took a blue box that was on the counter and put it in his pants. The two older men saw nothing.

After that, Dolman decided to spend his coin in good rum and good ladies, and thus went to the tavern. Mark followed him, and waited to be seated to take out the box. It was made of dark blue rock with swirls of a lighter shade. When he saw that, the captain laughed loudly.

'Did you take it from that stupid Heather? Man, you've become good! Well done, lad. So now, what's inside?'

Mark opened the box, his heart almost throbbing – it was his first real theft, and it was a beautiful box. Inside were two big, thin golden rings. Earrings, in fact. He took one and looked at it while Dolman took the second one.

'Fine thing! Seems to be real gold, lad. You want to sell it back?'

Mark stared daggers at him and took back the earring. He had already his ears pierced – Rhea said it would make him more attractive – so he took one out and replaced it by the golden ring. Then he smiled at his captain and put the other earring back in the box, and the box back in his pants. Dolman laughed again and bowed his head.

'Suits you, lad. Maybe I'll keep the box in my quarters, the guys would like some fine things like that.'

They were interrupted by young ladies heavily powdered coming to them, giggling. With a polite smile, Mark got up and went away ; he did not want to sleep with these fine persons. Rather, he would much prefer gaining some coin lenting his body to some random guy outside. He discreetly gave back the box to his captain before going out.

They went back to the ship only the day after. Everyone was jolly and ready to set sail. Dolman had heard of a continental mission going to the New World, some good opportunity to make some more coin.


It seemed that they were not the only ones to have heard news of rich ships coming their way. It took no less than a month for the Drunken Raider to stumble upon an other pirate ship, the Return . This ship was quicker than theirs, and soon they were at the same level. Without giving any signs, the Return got out the canons.

'They're gonna fire !' yelled Peyton from the crow's nest.

'Shit' mumbled Dolman, who was at the helm. 'We're heading port! Maybe we can avoid those bilge rats!'

The ship operated a big turn, but it was heavy and slow compared to their assailants. Mark, affaired with the sails at that moment, desperately saw the Return getting closer and closer. And firing.

The first shots gladly missed their targets and landed in the water, creating big waves and splash water.

Why were these idiots attacking them? To be sure to be the ones getting their hands on the gold and merchandise of the Old World ships? Mark quickly thought it was stupid as all hells. They were already quicker than the Drunken Raider, why waste canonballs drowning their ship?

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