Chūnin exams: Uzushiogakure joins! Pt: 3

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Naruto huffed, Sakura's loud signature screech reached his ears once he entered the market place next to Shikamaru and Itachi. "She's still loud as ever" Naruto grumbled and Shikamaru agreed slurping some noodles into his mouth. "I'm ready to go home, I don't want to be in this village longer then we have to" Itachi muttered "I know Weasel, but we have a few more days until the exams begin. Once the exams are over we are going straight home" Naruto assured him before tensing when he felt Sasuke's chakra Itachi tensed as well, Shikamaru wanted to turn and glare at the younger Uchiha that passed by the shop not even feeling the trios chakras.

Shikamaru watched at Sasuke left and Sakura was straight on his tail and looked to Itachi and Naruto who eased their tensed bodies in relief.

"Yeah I'm ready to go home already" Naruto lowly growled "remember we have to wait" Shikamaru reminded him even though he also wanted to go home already. "Well let's go see what shark and explosion are doing" Naruto hummed as he payed for their food much to Itachi and Shikamaru's protests, Naruto ignored them as he dragged them to find the pair.

Deidra was crafting a clay bird and Kisame looked bored "least you guys aren't causing trouble" Kisame looked over to his Kage "I'm not I'm just bored and Deidra is using his clay again" Kisame let head fall back to where it once was "Deidra don't blow anything up, yet" Naruto sighed "but I hate this village and it's boring, the only one I really like here is Tsunade" Naruto agreed "yeah but don't forget the Nara clan" he nodded at that. "Don't forget Teuchi and his daughter, Iruka, Sarutobi clan" Naruto reminded "oh yeah, I did forget about them" Deidra said, Itachi rolled his eyes.

"Mainly ready to see what's going on at Uzushio because we left trouble makers back there especially Hidan" Itachi stated, his friends and Kage all groaned "yeah we really need this to finish" Naruto slid his hand down his face after rubbing the bridge of his nose.

A knock came at the door, Naruto went and answered and seen Tsunade "yeah granny?" She huffed at the name again "Chūnin exams are starting early so let's go" he nodded and turned to his friends "Itachi and Deidra stay here and man the fort, Shika and Kisame you come with me while we go get our group" they nodded and Shikamaru kissed Naruto's forehead before sliding on his mask, Naruto blushed and the three once Akatsuki members smirked, Naruto glared with blush on his face before sliding on his mask and following Tsunade.

Wow, 500 reads already well thank you. More chapters are on the way~ so keep reading and waiting for more. Love you all!

Written: December 6, 2022.

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