Chapter 10

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5 months later (right before graduation)

I was broken and then put back together by Sidney with a lot of ice cream and darts. We had three days before graduation and Sidney was busy getting things ready.

"Hey Sam can you pass me that charcoal." I asked Sam

He handed me the charcoal with a smile.

"Thank you." I said

"You're welcome." He said shaking his head "How are you feeling?" He asked

"A lot better. The little virus that was going around was killer." I said stupidly

"Good." He said with a laugh


"Sam Dillon." The principal said

Sam walked on stage with his cap and gown on. They were yellow and green. He walked onto the stage proudly and took his diploma from the principal. They went through all the names, going by alphabetical order.

When my name was called I stood up shaking and walked onto the stage. I excepted the diploma shaking the principals hand before I could walk off stage he pulled me beside him.

"This girl right here has worked her butt of all through out her high school career. She has been accepted into many colleges but has signed with OSU." He said

He released me and I walked off of stage shaking.


"What time is your graduation party?" Sam asked

"Right when we get to the camp sites around four." I told him

"Am I invited?" He asked teasingly

"Well of course you are your my boyfriend." I said giving him a peck on the lips

We've been dating for three months. After I got over Quinn we got a lot closer. Sam's a great guy. I like him a lot.

"Ok I'll see you later." He said

"No! Wait!" My mom said coming up to us with her camera "Lets get a picture of the happy couple!" She squealed

We took a few photos, a couple serious pictures for moms sake and a couple silly picture for ours.

"Ok now I'll see you later." I said

He smiled and walked off. My mom and I drove off to the house where we would meet my dad who was already there getting things ready. We pulled up in front of the house and dad came out with four boxes of supplies all piled up in his arms.

"Here let me help you." I said taking the top two from him

"Thank you." he said

"Mom pop the trunk." I yelled to the front of the car

She opened it and I threw the stuff into the car.

After we were done with getting the things we left to go set up.

The camp site was near the cutest little lake with a bunch of shade trees.


People started to pull into the camp grounds around 5. There were so many people from close family to friends of mine and my mom and dads.

"Congrats River." the sheer volume of his voice frighted me

I turned and looked straight into his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I said my teethe gritted

"I just came to give you this." He said placing a tin foil cover box in my hand "I'll be on my way."

And he left. Sam walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my neck.

"Hey!" He said smiling

"Hey." I said tucking the present into the pocket of my dress


The party seemed like it lasted forever. When we had finally gotten home it was rounding midnight. I quickly undressed, showered and went into my room.

Before I could fall asleep I grabbed the tin foil bow off of my dresser. I sat on my bed with it I front of me. I was scared to open it. It was a good size box.

Stop just open the stupid box. I thought to myself.

I snatched the box and tour it opened. On top was a note. I opened it and it read:

Dear River,
I'm leaving. You don't have to worry about talking to me or seeing me. You'll be far away at college and I'll be far away at my college. Even though you hate me I'm still undying in love with you and always a will be.
I hope someday you'll forgive me: Quinn

At the bottom of the box was a box with a necklace in it. The necklace had three charms on it a music note, a diamond of my birth stone, and a infinity sign.

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