Trans Jake

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NOTE: Binding can be dangerous sometimes, I dont own a binder yet so if this seems unaccurate then please tell me. I see Jake as trans and there's like no content about that on wattpad so I thought I'd make some. 

Binding rules 

DONT: Bind for more than 8 hours, swim in a binder (unless you've been told by a professional that your binder is safe for this activity,) NEVER use bandages, ACE BANDAGES ARE THE WORST or anything that wraps around, even if this is a "binder". Dont excersise in a binder and always take breaks and never wear a smaller binder than your size (it won't make you flatter it will just hurt) and never wear more than one binder.

As I said, I've never worn a binder (I hope to one day) so these rules and this story are not from personal experience, just the experience of others.

Ok so let's get into it.

A loud buzzing woke Jake up and he cursed himself for trying to be organised and setting alarms. He pressed snooze and rolled over. He didn't want to go to work, going to work meant binding and binding meant pain. He was pretty sure the brusie forming on his side wasn't a great sign, and if couse he was wearing if for longer for steakouts and missions but he had to. Living life stealth pre-op was hard, and dysphoria sucked. Eventually his phone buzzed again and he sat up in bed, ignoring the way his chest looked in his oversized tee-shirt. Jake quickly put on his binder, his tissue screaming and his lungs aching like crazy. Everything hurt. He coughed, to make sure it was still fitting him right, but the cough just hurt him more. He couldn't deal with that now, he had to go to work and solve murders, not complain about his boo boos. Jake put on his checkered button-up, and his tie, which didn't help the pain but he actually, secretly loved. The tie gave him so much euphoria and the only reason he hadn't wanted to wear one in the first place was that he didn't know how to tie one. After he looked it up he just kept it going so no one would figure his secret out. Jake also donned his grey hoodie, which was thankfully pretty thick, and his leather jacket. He put his gun in its holister and out his badge around his neck. Jake sometimes hated the way his badge felt against his chest but wearing it like that also made him pretty euphoric for some reason.

When Jake walked into work he greeted his colleagues and friends. Gina was the only one who knew about him but for some reason she wasn't working that day. As jake walked to the briefing room to clear his head and wait for everyone else, Holt pulled him aside

"Peralta, are you alright?" Jake turned to look at his captain, the movement sending a jolt of pain through his ribs. Unable to hide his grimace, Jake stumbled into Holt.

"Yeah! Im great!"

"you're not looking good, are you sure? You look injured."

"No... I just... my lungs- my lu... air..." he started wheezing and coughing, clinging to Captain Holt. The captain was confused and quickly cradled Jake in his arms. "Ok, no I... can't brea-" his wheezing was cut short by more coughing and whimpering. Soon enough a crowd of people gathered around the scene, the squad pushing their way to the front.

"Oh. I think I know what's going on," Holt said. He picked up Jake and yelled to clear a path. Jake was starting to lose consciousness from the pain. Rosa, Terry, Amy and Charles followed them. Holt entered the bathroom and put Jake on the floor. "Peralta, can you hear me? Jake?" No response. Holt removed jakes jacked and hoodie, then looked around the room. "Do any of you... know... Peralta's, um, secret?" Everyone shook their heads. "I may be wrong, although it is highly likely I am not." With that, Holt unbuttoned Jakes shirt, revealing his binder. "I need scissors, I dont know how to remove it without hurting him."

"What is it," Charles asked.

"A chest binder," Rosa answered. "Everyone out, I'll get it off him." And with that Rosa pulled out her pocket knife. Everyone left, though Holt stayed.


Jake woke up in the hospital, Gina was asleep on a chair, and Rosa and Charles also sat around him. Outside he could hear his other friend's voices, even Hitchcock and Scully.

"What...?" As soon as he spoke Gina woke up and her, Charles and Rosa all gathered around his bed.

"Oh no... do you guys- Gina do those guys- I can't... everyone knows..." Jake started breathing rapidly but Charles wrapped him in a hug, being careful not to hurt him. Jake sank into it and tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry that we found out, Jakey." He pulled away from the hug and Jake sniffed.

"Yeah, man, about that. I've known since the academy, I overheard it but it didn't seem important so I never told you." Rosa smiled, then scowled, "why are you so dumb!?"

"Yeah, Jake- like I know you think you're invincible but if Holt didn't realise you would be in a much worse state." Suddenly everyone was in his room, but Jake didn't feel exposed in a bad way, just like he'd become closer to his chosen family.


Im so sorry this is like really bad writing but anyway I had this idea bc im now obsessed with trans jake and its not really what I originally planned, and as I said I am trans but don't have a binder yet so it may be a little off.

Im so sorry if this offended anyone who does wear a binder and knows what it's like bc I've heard of this happening to people but I dont have experience so yea just politely point it out and I'll change stuff or take down the story. (I really don't want to tho 😅)

Anyway all transphobic, homophobic, racist, sexist or otherwise offensive comments will be deleted :)

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