Jake x Doug

190 1 4

This fic is for: _______ thankyou so much for requesting a fic!!



Jake awoke to the sound of his doorbell buzzing into his sleep. After quitting the 99 he seemed to finally be able to sleep through the night. He looked at his phone, which read 2:57am? Amy was stuck working all night and Mac was at a sleepover, who could be at the door? He quickly hurried to the door, stepping into his sneakers, not bothering with socks or to pull his heel into them. His son could be in trouble. Mac was 8 and had severe anxiety, although he seemed to be alright around his friends his parents were always on alert. But when jake opened the door it was someone he didn't think he'd ever see again.
"Judy?" The man standing at his door grinned, and Jake noticed grey hairs flevking his short afro.
"Hi Jake!"
"What are you doing here?" Jake hurriedly asked before ushering him inside, glancing out the door to see if anyone was watching. "You can't be here!"
"Hey, woah, woah. Is that how you treat a friend?" Doug followed him inside.
Jake sighed, "Hey, I'm obviously glad to see you, but you're a criminal and me keeping you here is a crime."
"Ok if that's how it is then I'll leave-" Doug turned to leave but Jake grabbed his arm.
"Wait, you being here is a crime, but... if I let you leave when a cop is gonna be home in a few hours... that would be worse. However... maybe you could escape me... and then I forget to mention it to Amy."
"Oooh I like that," Judy said, his eyes lighting up.
"Because you know how forgetful i am."
"So forgetful," Judy agreed.
"And its such a little thing!"
"The littlest!"
Jake grinned, "Then its settled, you can stay."

Time skip around 2 hours, Doug and Jake are sitting on the couch and just finished a movie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey, Peralta can I ask you something?"
Jake looked over to the man, who seemed to look more serious than before. He gathered this wasn't a 'can I use the can to take a quick whizz' and rather something a little deeper.

"Yeah, man, anything." Jake turned off the TV and looked into Doug's eyes.

"Why... why did you..." The man paused. "Why did you give me your pen." He looked down, "you could've gotten into serious trouble for that."

"I guess..." Jake sighed. "Okay, don't hate me for this." He stood up and paced a couple steps before plopping back down on the couch. 

"Jake, I could never hate you." 

"I'm bisexual, Judy." Jake said softly, looking back into Doug's eyes. "I've always loved you and I couldn't send you to prison. That's not what friends do tot eachother... and that's certainly not what... I hoped we could become... do to eachother." Jake finished talking and swallowed, wishing that the other man would say something.

"But... you have a wife, and a son- how could you tell me this, man!?"

"Well, its not like it matters. I do love Amy, but I love you more. I would've loved to get to know you more... but I guess it was stupid anyway, you don't even like guys."

Doug laughed, "I was actually here to talk to you about that. I've realised im gay, and my wif- ...ex-wife, she kicked me out. I dont blame her, we were married for 10 years and I never realised. I should have."

Jake gulped again, feeling himself draw closer to Judy.

"Why's that?"

"Because of you, Peralta." And with that Doug grabbed the back of Jakes head, and pressing their lips together after a brief shared look to make sure that they both wanted to do that. And boy did they. It had been far too long without them realising their feelings for eachother, but now Jake had a son. And a WIFE.

They broke apart and Jake grinned, laughing. "Wow." Then his smile fell, what was he going to do about Amy?


Because I'm tired and maybe slightly mean this is probably going to have a part 2,  thank you to _____ for the idea and I hope this was good!!

~Stormy (he/they/it)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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