The Academy

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Sorry this is another Trans Jake fic I cant help it

TW: Jake being put in a girls dorm, transphobia, talk of deadnaming, misgendering and  implied transphobic slurr about to be said.

Jake POV

I was so excited to start at the academy. Looking around, I saw lots of other people milling around, who were also starting their first year. I walked up to a group of guys with massive muscles, all taller than me and laughing  about something or other. I started laughing with them and they turned to face me.

"Whatcha doing, punk?"

"Chill man,  she's just trynna flirt it up with you, Jarrod." Everyone snickered at that. I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Actually, I'm a guy." I tried to look tough but inside I knew my face hadn't changed enough to fully pass yet, I'd only been on t for a month.

"Oh yeah? Bet a tra-" 

"Hey Jarrod! Cut it out. No one cares." A scary-looking girl with black hair cut off Jarrod before he could say what he was about to say. he pulled me away with her. "Come on, man," she said to me, dragging me away.


"Rosa. No need to thank me, those guys are jerks."

"I'm Jake- I know I may not seem like that's my name but-"

"No, your name is Jake. I know."

After that, cabins were assigned. As the names were called out I desperately hoped that they'd call out Jake and not something else. As everyone left for their cabins with their bags slung over their shoulders I grew more and more anxious. I knew the cabins were separated into boys and girls but I'd told them several times I was a guy. It would be fine.

It was not fine. They called out Rosa and then my deadname. We were the last two people to leave the courtyard, probably so the other people wouldn't realise the academy was bunking a trans guy with a girl.

"So," Rosa said when we got to our cabin.

"Yeah." I sighed. Why did this have to happen?

"If it helps, I dont mind sharing a cabin with you. Even if you were cis, you seem like a good guy." I smiled at that.

"You seem to know a lot about stuff like this."

"Yeah. I have experience in that arena, you know, siblings and friends and stuff..."

"Wow, guys you like to keep things vague, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess I do."


Sorry that this and the last chapter were so short im at a loss for ideas.

If you have any requests please let me know, not just for trans jake- any scenarios for any of the characters. I dont do smut, paedophilia, rape or abuse, also I dont love doing AUs but I will. Other than that im good for everything.


Have a great day/night!

Stormy (he/they/it)

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