Yet Another Trans Jake Fic

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NOTE: You can probably tell im white from the way I've written parts of this that Holt says and im so sorry if how I've done it is offensive or incorrect. Please tell me if you (any POC reading) are offended or think others could get offended so I can correct any mistakes, improve and apologise :)


Jake got to work on time for once, making it to the morning briefing slightly early making his coworkers slightly worried. Yes, it was out of charrichter for him but after getting top surgery he was now less depressed and actually able to get out of bed with enough time to get to work on time, or even early. Not that anyone but Holt, Gina and Rosa knew. Cases were assigned and Jake went about his day.

It was around noon and most people were taking their lunch break. Jake went to the vending machine and bought a bag of chips. He was able to shower sometimes and get to work on time- but packing lunch? He wasn't quite there yet. He sat at the table and leaned back, enjoying the feeling of not wearing a binder, the euphoria, the pain-free torso, no anxiety about whether anyone would notice anything odd. Terry came and sat down next to him, nodding in greeting.
"Hey, man," his tone sounded annoyed.
"Hey, Terry... what's up?" Jake grinned awkwardly, unsure what was making Terry so angry.
"I have this perp and she's been using a fake name on several accounts and stuff. Its all just real sketchy but she won't confess. I dunno what to do man. Her real name matches that of a drug dealer that Diaz and I've been tracking- so it makes sense she'd wanna change it." Terry clenched his jaw and shook his head, sliding the file over to Jake. "Have a look if you want. I know you're probably busy, but anyway I cant think about that now, Terry has to eat his lunch!" Jake sighed and stood. Something bothered him about this, it hit too close to home.
"Yeah." He pushed in his chair, not hiding the anger and bitterness in his voice. "Terry can just sit in here and eat his goshdarn lunch while you-" Jake yelled in frustration, cutting off his own sentence. "I'm gonna go intervie this "perp" of yours, if that's alright." Jake spun on his heel and walked out of the room, not giving Terry a chance to answer.

Jake opened the door of the interrogation room and suddenly he felt anger burn in his viens for Terry. He was ignorant, Jake knew that, but the kid in front of him just looked scared.
"Hey," Jake said softly, sitting across from the so-called perp.
"I didn't do anything," The kid whispered, tears threatening to spill.
"I apologise for my collegue, he's honestly really a great guy, just real ignorant about this stuff." Jake studied the kids file, his blood boiling again when he read the file. The kid was definetly trans. "What are your pronouns?" Jake said, trying to reassure the kid they were safe.
"I- I'm not... I don't- I'm a- I'm a... girl." They were obviously lying, their face was scrunched up in disgust and the word came out choked.
"Hey," Jake glanced at the file, "You're names Levi, right?" Levi nodded. "You're safe here, at least now. I... I'm trans too. My name's Jake. You can trust me, okay? Not many people round here know about me, so that's why my colleague was so misinformed." Jake looked into Levi's eyes, trying to get them to trust him.
"My pronouns are he/him."
"I'm so sorry that Sergent Jeffords made you go through that. What was he asking you, Levi?"
"He thought I was a drug dealer. Y'know, like all 16 year olds are. He kept calling me... well my deadname... and I didn't know what to do."
"He can get worked up in things, and as far as he's concerned, evading cops is number one one why people change their names. I'll talk to him, make him realise what he's done is wrong. I'll have to tell him, of course, do I have your permission to do that?"
"Yes, I dont care who you tell. As long as im safe. Thank you, Jake."
"If you ever need anything, I'll always be here to help, bullying, home life- dysphoria- anything. I dont know much about you, so I dont know if that helps... but I know it would've helped me so the offer stands." Jake stood and smiled. "I'm sorry but you'll have to stay here for now." With that Jake left the room on a war path for Terry.

"Terry!" The precinct looked up from their work as Jake stored into the breakroom. Terry looked up at him and Holt emerged from his office. "How DARE you do this to an innocent kid. HE is just trying to live his life and you deadnaming and misgendering a minor because you think he's a criminal is not okay, Serge. I thought you'd be more civilised than this, at least be professional if you're a piece of crap!"
"What is the meaning of this?" Holt said from behind Jake.
"Terry arrested a sixteen year old trans guy and has been interrogating, deadnaming and misgendering the guy because he was going by his chosen name and his deadname corresponded to that of the drug dealer he's been tracking." Jake started shaking. Holt put his hands on Jake's shoulders and gently pulled him away from Terry and into his office. Jakes face was wet with tears so he quickly rubbed his eyes on his sleeve.
"Sergent Jeffords was just doing his job." when Jake opened his mouth to respond Holt quickly added, "I do not agree that it was the right way to go about something like this and I am severely dissapointed in him. He is misinformed and although that is no excuse he did not know. It is obvious to you, Diaz and I when events concerning the LGBTQ+ Community occur, and to me and The Sergent when racist hate crimes happen and people say things here and there. Its hard to learn to walk in others shoes, go easy on Terrance. That young man doesn't deserve this, I agree. But he is a suspect as much as I hate to admit it."
"No. I've talked with him, I told him about myself. This guy isn't a drug dealer, just a scared kid." Holt nodded and handed Jake a tissue. Taking it, Jake wiped his eyes and noes before heading back out to the bullpen.

Jake calmed his anger and went to go find Terry but he was nowhere to be seen. He went back to the interrogation room but decided against it. Instead Jake opened the door for the viewing room. He wanted to know what was happening so he could prepare before he walked in. But what he saw shocked him.
"And I just wanted to say I'm sorry." Terry was sitting across from Levi and Jake was pressty sure Terry was about to cry. "I never meant to make you feel bad and I should've considered all the possibilities for a name change before bringing you in, or at least before interrogating you. I dont know much about this stuff, but I'll try to do better. I got wrapped up in the case, but I wont do that anymore. And if I can't, I'll at least try."
"Okay," Lavi said, lowering his voice more than what he had been with Jake.
"Okay, we good?"
"Not really. I still don't like you if I'm really being honest, but I understand that you weren't intentionally deadnaming me and I know you're gonna try to do better. So I guess I respect that." Jake smiled at Levi's honesty and left the room, then walking into the interrogation room.
"Serge, I know you didn't understand or know... so I'm gonna try and forgive you for what you did to Levi." Terry nodded and patted him on the shoulder.
"Jake... can I ask you something..." he nodded. "How did you know, and why were you so upset? Im dissapointed with myself and know Holt is surely mad at me but you really cared." Jake looked at Levi, then back at Terry.
"Because im trans, Terry."

After that day Terry and Jake grew closer and Terry was always mindful of trans people and is incredibly protective of Jake, and always telling him he's "so strong, man" when they work out together. Levi and Jake kept in touch and Jake was able to donate to him some of his old binders.


Sorry for the crap conclusion, also I know I just posted a chapter for requests like two hours ago but I got an idea and had to write it.

Sorry for all the transphobia and making Terry the bad guy, I didn't mean to but that's just how the story ended up being.

I know I'm writing a lot of trans jake but I can't help myself.

~Stormy (he/they/it)

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