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(This is all Neil pov if you did not read the first thing)

Me, Max, and Nikki are playing on the swings like little kids even though we're 16, there are some other kid's on the swings but they dont matter. Max and Nikki are talking about some dumb shit like animals or something stupid like that, im busy day dreaming about me and Max's wedding when we grow up like usually teens do; I think or im just weird. I can hear Max say something it mentioned me so I listened "Isn't Neil adorable" Max said kinda quite so Nikki could only hear but I ended up hearing it made me blush a bit but not much, Nikki shook her head no making Max kinda groans and me chuckle. Max noticed I was listening and his cheeked dusted pink out of embarrassment I looked at him and chuckled "he's so cute when he's embarrassed" I thought to myself. We could hear this weird this weird aghafa kinda sound like a zombie from a weird ass movie but I ignored it, "We should do something, its boring here on the swings" Max said Me and Nikki noded then we all got off the swings and walked over to David's car that Max took with out asking he doesn't even have a licences but he still drives it not giving a shit. Max unlocked the car and we all got in Max in the drivers seat, Me in the passengers seat, and Nikki in the back, she likes the back for some reason I find it uncomfortable but thats just my opinion. Max starts up the car and starts driving to who the fuck knows where "are you guys hungry?" Max asked "Fuck yes!" Nikki yelled really loud I just nodded "where do you want to eat" Max questioned I didn't answer thinking he was asking Nikki because she always picks "Sonic!" Nikki yelled in the same loud voice Max rolled his eyes "Im asking Neil, you always pick" Max said kinda with a little deeper voice kinda sounding annoyed but I dont think he was, Nikki groaned and I chuckled a little I find it funny when she's mad over something stupid "I dont really care where we eat" I said I really did care but I like making my "sister" happy as she calls herself Nikki smiled and Max rolled his eyes "We pasted sonic pick somewhere else" Max said kinda annoyed like he usually is "you're a asshole, its right there" Nikki said while pointing at sonic Max drives past it "not anymore" he said making me giggle Nikki groaned like for the third time or something im not counting. "Dairy queen then I want ice cream" Nikki said she loves the Dairy queen ice cream I find it over priced and disgusting "Okay" Max said sounding more happy then he was like a second ago, he drove into the parking lot of dairy queen then parked, he got out of the car and so did Nikki "You coming, love?" Max asked me "no" I said in response I hate going in places "okay, cya" Max said before closing the car door and locking the car my opinion it was rude how he didn't let me say bye. I looked around the car out of boredom, I didn't find anything cool. When they got back like 10 minutes later Max started the car back up and started driving to drop Nikki off at her house so me and him could hang out, Nikki was still eating her ice cream and I poked Max's cheek every minute or so just to annoy him. We finally got to Nikki's house and dropped her off then we left. Max and I went to his/Davids house, we got out of the car and Max locked it we went inside for some reason Gwen and David weren't home but I didn't really care that means Max and I could do really anything we want. We ended up watching twilight, I picked it to piss Max off I find it cute when he's mad or annoyed, He rested his head on my shoulder then rests his eye's I didn't mind though. Max ended up falling asleep like five minutes later and David and Gwen came home twenty minutes after that, I changed the movie to evil dead. David took a couple pictures of me and Max, he finds me and Max cute together and I couldn't agree more I will love Max to the day I die and nothing will change that. After the movie ended I shook Max a little trying to wake him up because I was scared I heard that same aghafa sound again plus I watched a horror movie, Max woke up eventually and looked at me he could notice I was scared so he hugged me the fear went away. After a while I had to go home while im walking home I see some people that look like zombies or something in the distance so I sprint back to Max's house, David answered confused why I was back "what are you doing back, here Max said you were leaving" David said confused I was breathing heavily because how much I ran "I saw these zombie looking people so I can back" I said kinda fast David let me inside, "Max is in his room" David said I said "okay" in response, I went to Max's room he was confused to see me but he didn't really care he was jus happy to see me Im pretty sure. "Hey" Max said sitting on his bed I sat by him "hi" I said I hugged him still scared I heard pounding on the walls but I ignored it and so did Max we were both to lazy to check it out until we heard David scream in horror.

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