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Salems POV:
I love car rides, even though the place I'm going will probably suck. A new school and it's mid semester. But at least the ride there is nice.

"Oh come on hun, this could be good for you." My mom rubs my leg.

"Why are you touching me?" I snip.
She sighs and removes her hand.
"I know you hate change but this could be a good thing. There's other vampires here, you could make some friends. Maybe even find a vampire lover." She smiles wide as she says that last bit.

"I'm not interested in dating anyone, you know that." I roll my eyes.
"Yes but you're sixteen and you've only dated once in your life so far." Her smile fades.

"Mom come on, don't be sad about it. I know you think I'm lonely but honestly it's better that way."

"Okay hun, we're almost there."

At Nevermore.

"Come on." My mom excitedly gets out of the car, I follow her not so excitedly.

"Hi, you must me Salem. Welcome to Nevermore!" A tall lady cheerfully greets me.
I fake smile and look around.
Doesn't look too bad I guess.

"Let's go see your dorm. You'll be sharing a room with one of our most cheerful students. Her name's Enid." The lady starts walking into the building while me and my mom follow.
Our driver walks behind us with my luggage too.

We get to the room I'll be staying in and as soon as we open the door I see colors vomited all over one side of the room.

"Hi! I'm Enid, I'm so glad you're here like I know I don't know you yet but I'm so happy you're here!" Enid tries to hug me, I allow it. I can't remember the last time I was hugged so I let it happen but I don't hug back because I never have unless I care about the person.

She lets go and scrunches her nose before practically skipping back to her bed.

I set the one bag I was carrying on my bed and sit down myself.

"What do you think?" My mom asks.
"I think my roomate is too chipper, and the rest I don't know yet. I have to see."

"Maybe your roomate could rub off on you some. You're always so gloom, some cheeryness would do you some good. Alright, I have to get back home. Call me if you need. I hope you like it here, truly." My mom leaves the room and so does our driver after setting my luggage down neatly in the corner.

"So I was thinking-" Enid starts talking but I cut her off using a hand signal.

"Look I'm sure you're a sweet girl and you probably mean well, but don't expect me to be chatty or your best bud okay?" I sigh and lay back on my bed.

"Oh, okay yeah. I'll just leave you alone then. I've got homework to do anyway." She turns to papers on her bed and starts writing.

You know what, I can't be mean. I should actually try to get along with someone here. Why not her? She seems genuinely nice.

"You know what Enid, I'm sorry. I'm just not easy to get close to and I don't want people to know me so I'm defending myself right off the bat, but I was mean, how about you tell me some of the things to do off campus cause I hear we get off campus time?" I sit up and look towards her but she's already running to my side of the room with a wide smile on her face.

I don't think I've ever been around someone so happy and gleeful.

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