4 | Love

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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆


I yawn and stretch, slowly sitting up to see no one in the room. I get out of bed and change into todays clothes. I make my way to the kitchen to see everyone making food.

"Morning guys, whatcha making?" I ask. I see Manny jump a bit, surprised by my sudden presence.

"We are preparing for a picnic!"

"A chicken picnic."

I gasp in awe. I've always wanted to go on a picnic but never really had friends who were interested. I squeal in excitement and run to hug Harry. "I'm so excited!" He chuckles and side hugs me back, then continuing to prepare.

~time skip~

We were all outside on a blanket, birds and crickets chirped as the wind blew softly. "Isn't it nice to be outside on such a beautiful day?" Harry questioned, breaking the silence.

I breathe in and out, the outdoor air infiltrating my lungs. "It's beautiful."

"Yes, and I've packed us a delicious chicken picnic!" Robin opened the basket to reveal it filled to the top with raw chicken legs. I tried not to make a disgusted face at it, it's the thought that counts, right? Not edible though.

Then a yellow butterfly fluttered around Manny as he looked amazed. "Huh?" He giggled while watching it fly around in circles and loops. It goes to land on the chicken but before it could Robin killed it with a fly swatter. I scrunched my nose into a disgusted look since it was killed right onto the chicken.

"Pesky bee!" Robin said as a lifted the fly swatter to see it smashed. Manny started to freak out and tear up, he quickly got up and ran away.

"Manny wait!" I got up as well. "Come on guys," I look back at Harry and Robin.

"Hm. He seems upset about something. I wonder what will happen," Harry shrugs his shoulders. I sigh and walk off to find Manny. After walking through a few bushes and branches, I find him sobbing in a tree.

"Manny? Are you okay?" I climb up the tree and sit next to him. I pull him into a hug. "It's okay," I rub circles on his back to comfort him.

"It makes you sad, doesn't it?" A new voice says from beside us. I pull myself from Manny and look to see a weird butterfly thing flying next to us.

"Huh?" Manny questioned, also looking at the thing.

"What the f-"

"That there's so much hatred in the world," the thing cut my sentence off. "I hope you don't mind if I ask you two a question..."

"A little baby pigeon." Manny said while reaching his arm out to touch it.

"Wha- No Manny that's-"

Then a chorus started, "Have you ever wondered why we're here?"

"All the time," I say under my breath.

"What it's all about, you have no idea. And everywhere you look, all you see is hatred, darkness, death, and fear. But you know it doesn't have to be, "I hate you and you hate me" cause even though we're different, it doesn't make a difference. And we can live in harmony!" It flies in between us then back out. "I know you don't know who I am."

"Exactly. Stranger danger," I laugh slightly at my own joke. It flies over to us again.

"But maybe I could hold your hand," It reaches its hands out to Manny and I. Manny goes to hold it while I do the opposite. "And together we could understand about love!"

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