6 | Food

58 0 1

so sorry for not posting for so long! I'm back now, hopefully for longer. Not revised.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

The music of an intro starts, panning to Robin and Manny sitting in the kitchen. Though, the kitchen looked different. It was set up similar to a cooking show. Manny hums as he and Robin look around. "Somethings different," Manny states, trying to put a finger on it.

Robin hums as well, "Somethings missing," he looks to the drawn picture of four of them. Then to another that shows Manny sitting at the table with Robin but Robin has X's through his eyes. Harry and Y/N can be seen in the window behind them.

Manny hums again, looking at a hung photo of the four. "Is it this guy?" Manny turns and points to a slice of bread that starts singing.

The bread starts to use silverware on two jars, making music. He starts mumbling things along the lines of 'steak' and 'eggs'. Then the cabinet above it opens, showing a can of something. "Are you hungry?" She starts to sing. "You look to be a bit hungry."

"No," Manny replies nonchalantly.

"Doo do doo doo! Lots of people get hungry!"

"That's your body," a giant steak man appears, joining along. "Hungry comes from your body," The steak pokes a fork at Robin.

"Get off me!" Robin says.

"But your body. It must have to be healthy,' he pokes Robin again.

"Whats that? A tasty snack!" The can shows a piece of cake right next to her. "You don't wanna go and eat a snack like that!"

"Greedy to eat all that," he points to a jar of 'Boy's Flakes'. "You'll end up with your teeth all grey." The jar turns around with a label that says 'Teeth All Grey'.

"Doo do doo do doo!" The can now sits on the table in front of Manny. The steak joins in on the singing and puts an arm around Robin. "Healthy!" The steak lifts up a platter to food spelling 'Healthy'.

"Food is talking," Manny states, looking around perplexed at the situation.

Then the steak starts to tap dance. "What?" Robin mutters, confused.

"Let's get healthy now!" Then the phone rings. Everyone in the room stares at the phone in suspense.

Robin gets up slowly and walks to the phone to pick it up. "Hello?" His voice echos and he suddenly is sitting in what seemed to be a hospital. He looks around. The room is completely black. Theres a few TV then one of them transitions into the previous setting.

"The body is like a special house!" The steak points to a diagram of a six story house with multiple rooms, different organs in each of them. "With blood, hair, and organs in the different rooms. Oh look! There's Mr. Bladder in the basement!"

"What?" Robin asks, confused.

"Now food comes in through the chimney, mouth, and goes from room to room, greeting the different organs!"

"Hello!" Manny waves to the organs.

"Now, the good and healthy food is very nice and polite to the organs and so is invited to stay for a party!"

"Yay!" Confetti sprinkles down from the ceiling.

"But the bad, not healthy foods are rude and must leave through the cat flap."

"Hey. that doesn't make sense." Robin tries to intervene but is interrupted by the can singing the 'do' lines. The steak once again joins in.

Then the phone rings again. There is a tiny phone inside the house diagram. Robin once again picks the phone up. "Hello?"

"What's that? A tasty snack! You don't wanna go and eat a snack like that," the can points to a sandwich that Robin had to his ear.

"Greedy to eat all that," the steak points to spaghetti and meatballs but an eyeball was in it. "You'll end up with your gums all grey!" He holds up a spoon with a painted reflection of Robin showing his teeth, his gums grey.

"How do we know which ones are the healthy ones to eat?" The can asks.

"Well, that's easy!" The steak states. Robin starts to shake and make a noise showing his stress. "The food groups can easily be sorted using the simple health shape. Choosing normal plain looking foods, such as bread, cream, white sauce, an aspic keep the body ticking over nicely. Isn't that right?" He asks the mechanical body. It makes a gross sound in response.

Robin once again makes a sound. "I need to go," He gets up to leave but is stopped by the can.

"But wait! What's this?" She holds what seems to be a fruit bowl.

"Fancy, show-uppy foods," the steak replies to her question. "Like, cooked meats, fruit salad, soil foods, and yolk." The can makes a disgusted noise while yolk leaks from a ladle. "These foods go clog up the body with unnecessary detail. Oh no! Look it's all broken on the floor." The steak pushes over the body thing onto the floor and stomps on it. A black substance oozes from the body as it makes another noise.

"Everything tastes great! Maybe we should-" The fridge starts to sing until interrupted by Robin.

Robin pushes the fridge away from him. "No! Enough!" The fridge continues to sing, despite Robins protest. "I don't want to do this anymore!" Robin gets up and runs. A beeping sound from a hospital can be heard. A giant head of Manny can be seen once the persons eyes focus. A TV of the rest can be seen.

"What's that? A pizza slice? You're better off with plain white sauce," the pizza was engulfed by white sauce.

"What's that? Plain white sauce? Plain white sauce makes your teeth turn grey," The white sauce then turns into a skull with grey teeth.

"Doesn't matter, just throw it away," The fridge takes the plate and tosses it to the side. "Why not try something else on your tray?" A can turns in the microwave with a logo of a green bird. Basically Robin.

"Woah, what's that? A lovely pie? But you're gonna end up sad inside," The steak shrugs. The pie opens to a sad face.

"Oh sad inside!" The TV is back in view, someone watching it. A even more deformed Manny is seen laughing deeply. It then starts to eat Robins organs. Organ just watches as the TV can be heard from the background.

"But everyone has their teeth go grey," it goes back to the fridge. "Just eat yeast and it will go away!"

"But how much have you had today? Too much yeast makes your teeth go grey." It goes back to the thing eating Robins organs. Everything starts going insane and Manny looks confused. The plate looks like Harry and the drink looked like Y/N. Then it dings. Robin is shown as a bloody, deformed pie. Then it shows a stuffed Manny with green feathers everywhere. One hanging out his mouth. The cans of Robins face on it was empty, everywhere. The room is dimly lit. Manny looks around. Then the phone rings, making him jump. He stares at the phone.

Harry wears a trench coat and a scarf. In one hand he holds a briefcase, the other hand is being firmly held by Y/N. They walk in the rain, away from a red telephone booth.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

Words: 1196

Sorry that it didn't have much of red guy or Y/N. This took so long lol. It is a bit short though.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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