{Chapter Seven: Sakura you messed up, you really did looked at what you done

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Athanasia's pov:

After finding out that I was a member of team 7, i go out  of the school and try to ask naruto if he want to eat lunch with me, but before i could even utter a word to him, he jump away.

I was kind of sad so i just wonder around the konoha until i found ino's team. So i ate lunch with them when we suddenly saw naruto ambushed sasuke, ino was furious. We wait until we see 'sasuke' got out. Me knowing better jump said goodbye to the three ino said goodbye back  to me, so does the other two boys but i think i saw sadness flash infront of their eyes, though i didint think too much of it thinking it just a imagination.

Third person pov's:

After the blond hair beauty said goodbye she headed to the place she knew sasuke was tied up.

*Inside the place*

"Erm hello sasuke..........do you perhaps need help?" athanasia kindly and nervously asked.

"Hmmmmmm!!!!!" muffled answer of the young  uchiha

"ehe i will take that as a yes" said athanasia and start to remove the tape and rope tied up on sasuke's body and mouth

" that damn naruto!" shout of the raven haired genin before grabing the young girl's (who is next to him) hand and dragging her outside with him. Athanasia let out a squek due to surprise not expecting sasuke to just suddenly dragging her outside.The 3 hokage glare at their interwined hands and at sasuke while tobirama also let out a tch.

A while later the pair found sakura who glared at their interwined hand but blush when she sees sasuke

Sasuke then asked sakura on wheres naruto but she just flirt with him and insult naruto saying that hes all alone its makes your blood boil along with minato. Although sasuke also insulted her saying that shes annoying. Shes heartbroken you also said that shes lucky that she still have her parents. She also insulted you which lead to sasuke glaring at the same for the your male ghost friends.

Flash back*

"Hes all alone" said sakura

"Sakura-chan you should think first before saying what on your mind you know" you said with a frown on your face.

"And what are you gonna do about it how!? Its not like you know what its feels like too be alone heh i doubt that your all sheltered your whole life maybe thats why your so weak and look so vulnerable hah!? You damn weakling! Your life must be so boring that noone would even be interested in it!!!" She shout at you

You look at her shock. Sasuke and the others also look at her in shock and anger written in thier faces.You teared up upon seing you tearing up the males felt their blood boil.

"Yeah your right my life is boring you dont need to remind me that i get reminded of that everyday. But your wrong about me not knowing what it feels like being alone . In my whole life im alone so i know pretty well what it feel likes. But you,you never know what it feels like to be alone because their people who supported you, you never what it feels like being alone because your parents is always their for you when you feel sad while me, sasuke, naruto and our future sensei we lost our parents in such a young age when were lonely theres no one to comfort us! To be there for us so your lucky that your not alone and you never felt what it feel like to be alone your very lucky sakura chan......." While you said that tears where pouring down your cheeks. The male look at you shock and sadness they didint know you also lost your paents at such a young age and have such a sad childhood.

It makes their blood boil more because of sakura saying that you dont know what its feels like to be alone when in reality your whole life you were alone.

Sakura looked at shock now she felt bad for lashing and insulting you she was about to apologies when you ran away sobbing. The males shouted your name but you ignore them and continued running away you just wanted to be alone now.

After your gone from their sight the males hatefully glared at sakura.

"You messed up sakura, you really did looked at what you've done!" Sasuke said irritated then walked away to relieve his anger while the hokages tried to find you their anger for sakura still not decreasing but all they can think about now is you what if you injured yourself!?. Now their really worried about you........

*Meanwhile with athanasia*

"Why did she hate me?" You asked yourself

"Because she's jealous of you" Another voice said

"Huh..huh...wha-what the who-who are you!?"

A chuckle was heard but it came from all direction so cant pinpoint out were is the voice really coming from.

"I am......." answered the voice

"Your ????????????"

"Yes...."  you heared before darkness fully consumes your vision and your senses shut down.

"Sleep well.......your highness...."

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