{Chapter Eight: Depressed athy}

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After your little sobbing you went to the classroom where a few students are missing. So you just assumed that they already left with their new sensei.

Your friends and fanboy tried to talk to you but you ignored them making sad and also resulted on them sulking and growing mushrooms in the corner.

You completely ignoring them, quietly sit on your seat and blankly stares at your desk. Eyes dull, face devoid of emotion, Aura depressed and cold.

The others and hokages look at you worriedly. Concerned on how you are not acting like your usual cheery and energetic self. While all of this is happening, Sakura are fidgeting with her fingers nervous especially after seeing how you acted.

"A-athanasia a-are you alright?" Hashirama asked, but was ignored.

'Why do they hate me? Did I do something wrong? Am I not enough for their taste? Why is it always like this? Why can't I just get a peacefully life at least for a day? Did the universe and gods really dislike me that much?' Negative thoughts begun making its way inside  your head. Making you feel hated and insecure.

"A-athanasia? " Minatory called now becoming more concerned of your lack of energy.

The others asked more if you are alrighty or fine, their concerns falling on deaf ears.

"How dare this useless brats make you cry, only if I am there they won't even think to come near what's mine" A deep voice enter your thoughts. Finally snapping you out of your thoughts. But also making you alert.

'H-huh? Who are you!?' You panickly asked to now one in particular.

"A-athanasia - chan? " a shy and weak voice called out to you.
Looking at the direction where the voice came from you come  face to face with Hinata, the hyuga's future heir.

"Um ye-yes? Hinata-chan? Do you need anything? " you also shyly asked

"A-ah ano...... I-im just concerned about you, you look really sad so I decided to approach you" She answer avoiding eye contact.

At her answer you smile a little thinking about how kind and caring she is.

"Hmmmm... I'm fine now hinata-chan thank you for your concern you didn't need to worry about me now"

"O-oh really! W-well then i-im glad go-goodbye then athanasia-chan!!" She shouted running back to her seat

You chuckle watching her do so. The others are relieve upon seeing you returning to you usual self.

"A-athanasia? " you heard a male voice call out your name.

"Hmm? " turning to where the voice came from, you see the dead hokages looking at you worriedly.

"Yes? " you quietly asked so the others won't hear and might think your talking to the air.

"Are you really alright? " Minato asked nervousness lacing in his voice.

"Ah yes yes I'm really fine now! " Cheerfully said by you

"That a relief then" Hashirama said realising a relieved sigh.

"Hnn, brat what were you thinking acting like a depressed child who didn't get a candy from their parents!? You make me worried you know!? " Tobirama shouted at you grabbing your shoulders with his large and calloused hand.

"E-eh? I-im sorry tobirama-kun it must be troublesome for you to worry about me..... I'm sorry" you said in a quiet voice, looking about to cry. Guilt quickly filling tobirama when he realize that he just shouted at you and also almost make you cry.

" 'sigh' j-just don't act like that okay? Your gonna make me worried" The albino said now in a quit and more soft tone, looking to the side, cheeks and ears matching the color of his eyes.

"Hmm-hmmm! Okay" cutely said by you making the poor albino become more red.

While all of this is happening Hashirama was looking at you and his younger brother in a confused expression. His brother never become that solf and show that mush emotion even in his childhood, why now was he doing it?. His confused expression soon turned into a jealous glare when he realized why Tobirama act like that and upon seeing him blushing while you? You stayed like your usual oblivious self. Minato.....His just in the corner pouting, jealousy can be seen in his blue eyes. Wanting to also touch you but didn't have the courage to do so.

The students now are looking at you weirdly after seeing your weird mood changes and how you smile at the air. Although they quickly scramble to their seat when iruka entered the class.

Konoha Secrets:

-The boys (minus the hokages) felt jealous but didn't know why

-Sakura felt so shamefull and guilty

-Sasuke and Naruto were glaring at each other thinking about comforting you but both failing anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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