
46 4 1

Magic Bullet


Audrey was really sick and tired of school. Nervously anticipating the score of her math test had her knee bouncing up and down. Scott and Stiles contemplated the identity of the alpha behind her.

Audrey soon realized she had noting to worry about when the paper placed on her desk had a bright red A+, along with a comment from her teacher with a pleased review.

Turning around in her desk, Audrey saw a D- on Scott's paper.

"Oh Scooter. Your moms going to beat you." Audrey said with a joking sigh.

Her comment was joined with Stiles' "Yeah dude, you need to study more." He said leaning over his desk to get a better view of his friends paper.

Scott threw down his paper angrily.

"In case you couldn't tell, we were joking." Audrey said, trying to brighten the teenage werewolf's mood .

"Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up." Stiles chirped in. "Do you want help studying?"

"No. I'm studying with Allison after school today." Scott said, still in a dejected tone.

Audrey's eyes went wide at the breaking news.

"That's my boy!" Exclaimed Stiles.

"We're just studying." Scott explained.

"Uh, no, you're not." Stiles responded in a know-it-all tone.

"No, I'm not?" Scott asked confusedly.

"He's right Scott, and you know how much it pains me to agree with him. But when a girl asks you to 'come over and study' it means you better have enough money in the bank account for plan b." Audrey said.

"Ew!" Stiles and Scott said in unison.

"Is that why you always said you and Brett were 'studying' when he came over?" Stiles asked with a face of disgust.

Audrey just shrugged with a smirk on her face.

"God that was gross. But you have to follow through Scott." Stiles said while waving his hands animatedly. "Especially if i'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to god I'll have you de-balled." He finished with a rant.

"Okay. Just stop with the questions, man."Scott asked his buzzcut best-friend.

"Done. No more questions. No more talk about the alpha, or Derek. Especially Derek who still scares me."

"Let him off the hook." Audrey said, "He already does enough de-balling at the animal clinic."


Derek was struggling. After a less than helpful encounter with Jackson, all the sounds in the school seemed to be hitting him at once. He tried hard to focus on something that would ground him. It only took a second.

"I heard about your study session with Scott." Audrey teased Allison coming to stand next to her two best friends at the brunettes locker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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