Chapter 15

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As I'm driving home I can't help but marvel at the normalcy that just took place. When I ran into Olivia in the kitchen I was sure any hope that we could not be awkward around each other was ruined. My penis was practically out for crying out loud. I'm going to have to remember to cover my junk and wear a shirt around the house from here on out. I could tell she was nervous about being in a car alone with me. Trust me, I was too. But I wasn't about to let the girl be late to work on her first day. I was secretly happy that Sophia was still asleep when we left. Not that I have anything to feel guilty about, I just didn't want to start the day off with a fight after the night we had. I'm feeling confident that we can get through this rough patch and get back to where we started.

I'm excited to go out tonight. We hadn't actually planned on it but we are going to the studio today anyways so I'm sure everyone will want to come.  I know if I can get the two girls together they will become friends. It will make my life so much easier if Sophia likes Olivia so I don't have to feel bad every time I want to hang out with her. If they're friends, Soph will want to hang out too.

When I get home everybody is in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Hey bro. Where were ya?" Niall asks around a mouth full of cereal. How that guy eats so much and never puts on weight I will never know.

"Oh I just dropped Liv off at work. She was going to try and take the tube." Everybody responds with either a shake of the head or a chuckle. Nobody takes the tube during rush hour. "Hey I was thinking. After the studio why don't we all go down to Joe's and have some beers and play some pool? It'll be nice to unwind after a long day's work and Liv can get to know everybody. The party the other night was a little crazy. This will just be relaxed and low key."

"Well I'm in. I could always go for a few pints and you owe me a rematch on the pool tables Payno." Niall is always up to go out. Who was I kidding?

"Yeah, sounds good. I'll call Ed too. Olivia didn't get a chance to really meet him the other night and I could tell she wanted to." Harry walks out of the room with his phone to make the call.

"As long as you don't get piss drunk again and disappear on me again I'll go. El are you in?" she nods her head in agreement and Louis gives her a quick peck on the lips. Niall groans at the display. I really need to find him a girl.

"Alright I'll go too. But Pez and I have a date planned so I'll have to head out early." Zayn replies before burying his face back in his coffee mug. It's way too early for him to be awake.

"Are you free tonight Soph? I really want you and Olivia to get to know each other. I'm sure you'll be good friends."

"Oh sure. I had some plans with some of the girls tonight but I'll cancel. I can't wait to meet you guy's new friend." She smiles sweetly before planting a kiss on my cheek. Wow that was easier than I thought.

"Ok so it's settled? I'll tell Josh and the boys too and hopefully Lou can come too if she can get a sitter."

"Gemma is coming too." Harry says as he walks back into the room. I didn't even think about Gemma. Olivia will get on perfectly with her too.

Alright lads. Sounds like we've got a fun night planned.

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