The man in the rabbit mask

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The beginning starts off with the camera flying above the clouds, then it began to descend passing through the clouds giving us a clear view of one of the biggest city in america.

Night City. People called it the worst city in america because of the gang violence, criminal activity, vandalism. You name it, yup but still everyone want to live, a city of dreams but out of all of people of night city there was one man who has a bigger dream out of all of them and this is the story of how it all began.

The camera switches to another part of the city in the district called. 'Watson' home to the most cybernetic gang in the city the maelstrom as the camera focuses on run down storage warehouse with two guards standing in front of the large garage door.

As the camera changes into a scanner "[so this is the place?]" A male voice asked [yeah according to the gig this is where they keeping the woman locked in] another male voice said through the comms "[alright, here how it goes. I'll get the maelstrom attention while you sneak into the back door and find the girl, rescue her and then we head home]" [what again? Seriously don't you have any better ideas than you being their target practices?] "[Aw come on jackie, where's your sense of adventure?]" [(Sigh) carajo] jackie said ending the chat.

Back at the warehouse, along the wall was a camera scanning the area then suddenly a dark silhouette figure jumped over the fence and hid behind the crate before the camera spots him. Then suddenly the camera got blasted by cryo projectile freezing the camera in place.

Inside the building a single maelstrom was in the monitoring room as he notice one of the camera was not working. What the... *The maelstrom goon tries to reboot the camera but it didn't work so he calls the guards some the outside*.

[Yo chooms] yeah the hell you want? [Something's wrong with one of the camera's outside go check it out] ugh always something , come on, one of the maelstrom goons said as they check on all the cameras outside until they spotted one that was cover in ice. What the hell... It's frozen? "What? Frozen how'd that happen?" *Metal fall noise* what was that! *The two goons aim their rifle at where the sound came from* hey go check out what that is "no way bro!" *The goon aims his rifle at the another one as he shake his head and went to where the sound came from while he check on the camera*.

Geez how the fuck am I suppose to unfreeze this thing-- "AAAAHHH--" *the goon looks back to where the other goon went* hey, what's going back there? Hey! The maelstrom goon called out but he didn't get any response, until he hears something rolling towards him. As he hears it coming, as it soon reveal that it was head of the goon that was with him, he look at where the head came from only to realize that there's one person who could do this kind of stuff then suddenly a grappling harpoon pierce through his neck and pulls him in then a sharp blade shines by the night light and slash through his neck cutting his head off from his body.

Back inside. Hey what's going on back there? Hey! the maelstrom goon said calling for the two guards outside but no response as he gets up and walks out of the motoring room.

Outside we see the harpoon pierce on top of the wall of the building pulling someone onto the rooftop as the silhouette can be seen by it glowing shrunk red eyes as it heads towards the skylight of the warehouse.

He looks inside to see how much security is, but seeing how it is. There were only  twelve maelstroms goons so there not much security then it is "[alright choom, I'm at the power box waiting for your call]" jackie said through the call "(good... Jackie, kill the lights)" the silhouette man said.

The maelstrom goon came right to the gang leader of this operation. Hey boss hey we got a problem! "What is it?" There's something-- *suddenly the whole light in the warehouse shuts off as the emergency lights turned on getting every maelstrom alarmed* "hey what's going on?" The maelstrom leader said getting his gun at the ready.

The rabbit man of Night City (Male Oc x Rebecca )Where stories live. Discover now