The Black Market

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A whole weekend has passed as luck's been on and off with other gigs and with maine and his crew. The group is pretty fun, and the eddies were good. Well at least that what the streets had to offer.

Ever since he's running with them, along with david. He did some pretty awesome stuff, and a lot more dangerous jobs as well. But hey it's a price he gets for rolling with them in NC.

But on one day after finishing a gig, that job completely destroyed his suit which was most likely david's fault on that one.

Now luck and david along with lucy who'd tag along, The three of them were in a car driving. There was a moment of awkward silence in the car as luck was driving, david was sitting in the back of the car and lucy was sitting at the passenger seat. No one has spoken a word during the whole ride until lucy decided to break the silence.

(Sigh) okay so if nobody isn't say it, then I'll say it... What the hell happened back there? Lucy questioned (I don't know why don't you asked the guy who made that loud noise who almost got us killed and ruin my favorite suit!) Mr. Rabbit said aw come on choom I said I was sorry, how many times do I have to apologies? David said (until you die) he replied sarcastically "knock it off you two, look rabbit I know david didn't meant to blow our cover on our job but at least we still the data we need" lucy said (yeah well now I need a new change of clothes) "by the way, where are we going?" David asked (where do you think. My penthouse) you said as entered japantown, rabbit drove through a narrow ally way but there was nothing but a dead end. Uh rabbit we're about to hit that wall lucy said I know hope your buckled up "huh?" he speed up the car as they were nearing at the dead end wall. Lucy and David brace themselves for the impact... But nothing happen.

They looked back and saw the wall was actually a hologram camouflage, A very realistic camouflage. Now they are driving through an empty ally until they made to a halt.

What is this place? David asked ladies and gentlemen. (Welcome to the raven hotel) Mr. Rabbit said getting out of the car. When they got out of the car they see in front of them was a tall hotel building the the sign that said 'raven hotel' with the holographic image of a raven crowing. They looked at each other in a surprised look on their faces (well come on in) he said to them as he headed inside.

When david and lucy entered the hotel they see the lobby was very much classic, like back way back in the 2000s. Rabbit... This is where you live? David asked couldn't believe that his friend is living at a hotel like this. I always thought you live in some run down apartment building lucy said seeing the interior of the hotel until someone digitally appears behind them.

Greetings the voice said startling them as lucy pulled her gun out point at the man behind them.

(Okay seriously poe, you need to stop that) rabbit said you brought friends to my humble establishment. Greetings, It is an honor to make your acquaintance poe said who's this? Lucy ask I'm his partner "(uh no)" I'm his esteemed colleague "(still no)" I am the proprietor of the hotel "(he is the hotel)".

huh?/huh? "(Guys this is poe)" I thought this place felt too empty. Is this one of those freaky AI place-- "you are in the raven" poe said as he reappears behind the desk counter "an establishment of peerless repute, timeless quality" (yeah he's basically the manager of this place) "it seems you gotten yourself into a ruff shoot out Mr. Rabbit" (yeah, no thanks to mr. blow our cover here) he said pointing your thump at david "(anyways I just to change of clothes, well be in and out. Come)" him lucy and david headed towards the private elevator as he push a button to the penthouse as it began to go up.

Once up the elevator door open as the three walked out, david and lucy were stunned to be the first people to see Mr. rabbit's penthouse. (Whistle) classy lucy said liking the old school style theme of the room. Then the two heard something scattering, as they looked down they saw something that they never expected to see. Three bunny rabbit rush over to Mr. Rabbit as they brush their bodies against his legs "(hey there little guys)" he said as he kneel down and pick up all three of them in his arms as they cuddle against them "you got pet bunnies?" David asked (yeah these guys are my support animals) "(giggle) well aren't they adorable *lucy picks up the grey rabbit* (do they got--) names? Lucy asked yup that one you have is bugs *lucy brushes the rabbit's back*. This blond one is lola *he pass lola to david as she holds her in his arms*. And this little fella is my favorite one of all) rabbit said showing the third bunny with pants which lucy finds it more adorable then the other two. Is it wearing pants? "(Well actually that just his fur pattern, that makes it look like he's wearing pants)" so got a name for that guy? "... Um... (whisper)" huh? "(It's um... (whisper)" I couldn't hear that what? "(sigh)... (mrfluffypants)" he said.

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