Like a Boy

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It's high time I chrome the fuck up!

After two days with unfortunate luck, david lost his mother to the city and now it's time for him to make his move.

Get the hell out, You wanna sell or offer? "Not sell it. Came here to chip this shit" listen davy that there is a military grade piece, gotta have the build to handle it. And choom that's something you ain't got "spoken like a ripper who only cares about his customers" ha! Pretty snarky for a kid who can't afford me *the doc resume his pleasure brain dance,*
Tsk, fuck you David said but just as he was going to leave

Whoa! Wait a minute. Fuck it man I'll bite *the conveyer belt on the ceiling began to move* I'll chip you up *replacing his arms with another set* but when you come crying to yank it out. Cause it's punching your brain, the sandy is mine for free. So ready to rip?

With that the surgery began. Replacing david's spine with the sandevistan.

*The next morning*

We see Mr. Rabbit coming out of a burning building belonging to a maelstrom gang hideout with jackie as the two of them approach to a fat man with a golden right forearm cyberware.

(Here's that chip you wanted) rabbit said as he gave the man the chip "so, dex. What do think about senor conejo here?" Jackie said hm he's not bad but when I said this was to be a silence gig I expected for him to be quiet dexter said about the burning building behind the two.

Heheh yeah he can get a little carry away sometimes jackie replied tsk well as long he can get the job done, I'm fine with that. Looking forward to meet again rabbit  *the man gets in on his ride as the driver close the door* here's the eddies I promise, chow.

With that the car drove away from the scene leaving rabbit and jackie by themselves before rabbit took off his mask "so what do you think huh?" Jackie asked "mm I don't know jackie, this dexter deshawn guy seem to be skeptical. I don't if I want to work with him" luck said come on at least he gave us big bucks *a sudden explosion blows up behind as they can hear the siren at the distance* anyway better get out of here, see ya later choom "yeah you too" *luck and jackie went different direction leaving the scene before the police arrives*.

Later in heywood luck was leaning against a car while eating a donut and drinking coffee after the gig, until he got a call from David.

David? [Hey luck] sup choom got any news? How's your mom is she coming out from the hospital yet? [Um actually that's what am calling you for] ...What do you mean, what's going on? Luck asked (sigh), my mom she.... She's dead *Luck suddenly drop his coffee as it fall to the ground* [w-what...] Her vitals dropped down real fast and there was nothing the doc couldn't do. *Hearing this grim news, luck's heart felt like it dropped to the bottom of his stomach* w-what happen? [There was a car accident at the highway, there was this gang goon drive by got caught in the crossfire. I would have call you sooner but I didn't want to worry you to much] *luck held his feeling back* oh I see...... I'm sorry for your lost david really... Is that all your call me for? Luck asked actually, I've been thinking about what you said to me three days ago about forging my own path. [Ah... So you finally ready to make a move?] Yeah I am [hm took you long enough. Alright listen I have some ideas that can get you started, do you know a place call 'el coyote cojo'?] Yeah, in heywood right? [Yes there, I got a friend who can help you train, I'm already at the area meet me there okay?] Yeah okay [good see you soon]. David ended the call and let out a sigh but the plan has change when he meets a certain someone on the train.

Back to luck, when the phone call ends he simply let out a long sigh. Before he turn around and kicked the car so hard it was sent straight up into the air as it falls down crushing a drive by car as it exploded "hey!!! What the fuck that was my car!" A random bystander said as he was in distraught seeing his destroyed car in ruins. Luck walked away from the scene.

The rabbit man of Night City (Male Oc x Rebecca )Where stories live. Discover now