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R:*worried*how long has she been like this?
M:since last night
Mm:*traumatised*how could she
M:that is one of the things she said since last night
Doors bust open
B:Am here*breathing heavily*I ran here as soon as I got the message*takes a deep breath*
B:babe, what wrong*worried*am worried
Mm:am ok but she is not
R:ok who are we talking about here
M:I don't know
S:okay,tell us what exactly happened
Ring ring
M:hey sis
Mm:m-m-miles can you come pick me up*breathing heavily and shaking up*
M:omg mika are you ok?were are you?are you-
Mm:I'm at that alleyway near nacho balls
M:ok sis I'm coming to get ok,stay put
I ran to her room and got a sweater just in case she was cold and made mom and dad were asleep before disappearing
When I got there I saw her shaking and in tears,so I just gave her the sweater and she wore it and I teleport us back home. When we got home I TRIED asking her what the problem was and she said nothing till now.
R:hey, you called chapa already?
M:how do I say this calmly man
R:yeah whatever knock yourselves out
They were discussing on how to know what mika saw before chapa came in
C:hi guys*smiles brightly*
C:yeah am fine and why are you shouting
Mm:chapa are you really ok?is something wrong *tears up*
C:yes all is well
Mm:ok*wipes tears and heads to the mans nest*
Miles pov
Ok now am suspicious why the hell was she crying.imma ask what happened later not  now
After 5 minutes mika comes back to swag
Mm:chaps did you know that in one of the many rooms of the man nest one I specifically for chainsaws?
C:I don't understand what's going on with you mika first you were crying and now telling me about chainsaws
Mm:I know you like chainsaws and it is the latest of all
M:it's almost time for class and you want to take her to look for chainsaws?
Mm:no it's like a treasure hunt
C:well I'm not- forget it who am I kidding, imma find the chainsaws
M:but but
C:bye*pushes button*
Bose comes out of the closet

B:where's ray
Mm:miles go get ray and schowz now
M:what wrong
M:okay ok
In the closet
Mm:so I called because of chapa
B:what about her
Mm:she has someone she has been hiding from us
R:I knew it
Mm:no you don't
R:lemme guess, she has a crush
Mm:no I mean yes-
B:*gasp*oh no
M:how did you find out about that
Mm:not important that's not why I called this meeting
R:it not then I'm outta here*gets up and is able to leave*
Mm:chapa is in grave danger guys!
R:what *sits back down*and how do you know that
Mm:I went to her house last night so she could give me advice on what to get bose on our one month anniversary and-
All except mika and bose:awwwwwn
Mm:really guys
S:ok, so go on
Mm:she is been abused by her father
All except mika:what
R:how did you know that?
Mm:I watched how her tortured her half to death-
Mm:I mean domestic violence 
M:are you sure of what you saying sis
Mm:for last time miles,Yes
S:well this is bad
Mm:that's not all
S:there's more?
B:well spill it
Mm:while hitting her, I heard him say something of how he killed her mother
All except mika:what!!
M:but she said her mom died when she was a baby
Mm:well,that was a lie and we need to help her
M:woah,that's alot to take in
Mm:which is why she screams mom while sleeping ,I think she has nightmares of her mom
R:damn,she's been through alot
At swag
Chapa couldn't find any chainsaws and decided to look for mika
C:Hey guys were are you
C:*shouting*Mika i couldn't any chainsaws ya know !!
In the closet
Mm:she here let's go
In swag
C:where ya'll been
All except chapa:well
Mm:we were thinking of having a Father's day here at swag
S:*whispers*what do you are doing
Meanwhile chapa chokes on air and feels dizzy
B:CHAPA!! Are you okay?!!!!*catches her in time*
C:yeah am fine I just felt dizzy*tries to to leave*
But Bose grabbed her injured which made her scream
C:OUCH!!!ow ow ow, jeez Bose be careful
R:let's get ya to the infirmary
C:NO!, uh i-i mean I'm fine no need for that
C:imma go take a waz
She leaves
Mm:one more thing guys
Mm:he threatened to kill anyone she loves and everything thing that loves her
S:which can only mean one
B:wait boo boo pew pew got superpowers
R:*huff and rolls eyes*
S:*clicking his tongue and shaking his head slowly sideways With his arms folded*
M:we are in great danger BRAINSTORM!!!!!
R:what do we do now
Mm:first,chapa has to spill it to us before any further actions
M:how are we gonna do that
Mm:oh,we'll make her

Sorry for the delay sweethearts my device gave me some to deal with
Love y'all

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