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I can't believed the twins talked me into this.

He took chapa away from me and they say I should just go with the flow,Heck NO!!

He can't just take her away, I was already getting a hand of this parenting stuff
And then like lighting in day time he asks her out on a date
"No way".I argue with them when the told me the left for a date already. Mika walks up to me with a little stressed about the topic" Come on ray,you just need to calm down"she tried to reassure me"Sweet little brainstorm can't just take her away from me".He gonna ask my daughter to be his girlfriend and obviously she gonna say yes "Come on man stop being so dramatic" miles chips in making me roll my eyes to the back of my head"You wanna know something ray -",I cut his speech "don't tell me anything" which made roll his eyes in return "for the record chapa actually loved Bose for sometime now" he stated "very true dear brother" mika said from where she was sitting, i just glared.
I mean if looks could kill they'd be dead.
Mika sighed "Ray could you please just give 'em a chance?" She asked in a tone laced with a hint of warning "Fine" reluctantly I agreed,and they've successfully talked me into their #bapa thing,to be honest there came a time when i shipped them so much,I imagined they'd come together but now that she's me daughter I can't stand that.

She has only been with me for some time now,it's not even up to six months and here I am about to hand my child away to a certain stranger, well to Bose of course. But I can't stop her from being happy she's been sad for too long.

I look up see mika at the computer"mika what time do you think they'd be back?". she looks at me trying to study me or whatever she's doing"to be honest ray I don't know",what?!!, she doesn't know. I was about to rant on and on when crime alert rang.I rush to man's nest computer and stand behind mika "who is it this time" I asked a little annoyed."it says it at Dinny land",mika stated. "I'm going alone,if I need backup,I'd let y'all know" with that said I left.

Bose POV

I can't believe she did this to me the second time.
I never would have thought she'd kiss me on our other date.
I can't explain how happy I am when she said yes to me twice.
We're making our way back to the man's nest,I'm too nervous to say a word. Just imagine the looks we are going to get from miles and mika most especially let's not even start talking about showaz and all his weirdness, I don't know what to do when we get there."Relax bosie"chapa assured. I think she noticed how nervous I am. "I am relaxed" I say smirking

"Really?!,then tell me why your palms are all sweaty,and why you are run your hands through your hair every twelve seconds and taking deep breaths and you keep gulping"she shot back grinning" wait hold you were counting? "My question made her laugh . Damn her smile gave me feel more nervous . I grab her and pin her to a wall nearby " you know me so well mama"I said looking at her lips made me want kiss her,well I did . I broke our kiss and she was blushing mess "*chuckles*you look like you would explode any second now mama"i teased her while smiling,the kiss just made less nervous,she just looked down and gave a shy smile" we should get going"she pointed,"should we?"I asked teasingly

Chapa pov

That kiss earlier took me by surprise like pheww💨. I need a break from all this emotional hangover,come on chapa get it together i'm not someone who gets easily emotional but these past hours i've spent alone with bose just makes me delulu. And let's not talk about when he said "mama" I became obsessed with that word immediately he said it. It made my heart melt,I really wish he could say it one more time or forever,and as if reading my mind "whatcha you thinking mama?" He was actually looking at me the whole time,arrggh the feeling alone left me flustered"About the our last kiss"I shot back I can't be the only one feeling flustered here,and the question so you want me to do that again slipped out of his lips catching me off guard"NO!" I shouted a little too loud because I was embarrassed. He chuckled and focused on the road we were walking through. Why did I ever think telling him that will make him flustered. I was brought back to my senses when I heard something about #BAPA only the did I realise I was already in the man's nest and dear mika was busy sailing her ship #BAPA
"where's my dad?" I asked slightly curious "he went on a mission",Good just what I need " c'mon mama let get you to bed"Bose whispered.

Ooppises he said it again I could already feel myself blushing a mess. Mika was looking at me with an oh my expression and she kept grinning, making me more embarrassed.
Damn you mika.

Chapa's room

"Are you spending a night here?" I asked Bose expecting a positive answer. But instead that sneaky boy walked up to me with a smirk on his face and said"No mama".
Smart me thought I could put aside being flustered and complain but he came closer "wh-w-why" knowing my tongue would only do nothing but embarrass me so I kept shut.
Damn you Bose
"Your dad didn't quite like the idea of me taking you on a date so,he won't like us sharing a room sparky" he explained.
He was right ray was super mad or should I say jealous

No one POV
Chapa and Bose were ready to go on our date and also a little late when ray called Bose"hey son can I speak to you for a sec?"he asked. His question made chapa fume but she managed to remain calm.
Bose and ray left to talk while chapa went to mika with annoyance "mika I thought you said you'd talk to him?!" She whisper shouts, her question made mika sit straight "I did which is why he allowed you two on a date" she pointed,this made chapa sigh in frustration. Not too long after her little talk with mika ray came back with Bose "FINALLY!" She shouted as she stood up from the couch.
"You wanna be alone with him that much?" Miles teased and of course he got zapped "ow!" Chapa squints her eyes"I see you wanna get zapped much"Bose held her hand "we should get going,miles come do your thing" they were about to leave when ray yelled"no kissing and no touching!!" He warned "no promises hehe" chapa mocked and they vanished.

End of flashback

Chapa pov
We standing so close with his hands on my waist and mine around his neck,just staring into each others eyes,so I decided to break the silence
"What did he say to you back then?" My curiosity got the better of me"tsk just typical ray"I just smiled and nod.

Well now I'm all alone since Bose bid me goodbye with a kiss on my fore head,and he left . and I have just been here turning around on my bed.
I can't seem to sleep neither can I stop smiling. I really wish I could relive today again,every moment of it I spent with him
I fell asleep knowing I have found my groom to be.
Out of eight billion hearts I found a heart that longed for me.


It's been so long and I'm sorry for not updating,I just didn't know how to end this book😫😭. I am so happy for all the supports please do vote comments and follow😌😘.

Lots of love and jelly tots💞💖💋

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