break up

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Third pov
Mika, miles and chapa were in swag waiting either Bose or their teacher to show up
Mika was reading a book on how to be the employee of the month

Chapa was on click clock watching some videos

Miles was in deep thought.
He was thinking about things that happened in the past two weeks

Miles POV
A few weeks have past since the execution of chapa's dad,he was given a harsh punishment,he was beaten to death!,and within this few weeks  chapa took time to adjust to the Man's nest fully.And ray always made sure she was comfortable. She has been placed on drugs that could help her recover fast from both physical and psychological damages,and also had some therapy session.

Like the one time chapa was almost taken to the orphanage because ray left chapa in the hospital when the both went to see a doctor.

Typical ray left his daughter behind because he was chasing a "hot mom"

Or ray throwing an all PINK!! Unicorn themed homecoming party for chapa , come on pink!! of all colours, for chapa,it would have been okay there weren't unicorns everywhere and glitter everywhere!
And DJ schowz weirdness and a whole lots of things which made the party  total disaster,the party was an epic fail from to the costumes to the food and decor, and don't even get me started about most of the guest being schowbalonians (An:is the spelling correct?🤔)anyways the surprise party got chapa furious because of the guests nature,like digging their fingers into the cake,shoving into chapa mouth, throwing cake and glitter everywhere,messing up her costume which she got as a gift from bose.
She forgave ray for  eventually before the day came to an end.
But her words"I hate HATE the colour pink and the party decors and costumes I hate the invites,but I loved the intention,it was pure and full of fatherly love"
Well i thought that was sweet of her

Well the most thing that has me thinking is Bose and chapa always looking at each other across room,always caught in weird positions,like they'd always lock hands and eyes with each other and Bose constantly hugging her,though she needs hugs it but he might just hug her out of the blue.
Oh speaking of the devil

Bose POV
I walked into swag and I noticed only  Macklin twins  and chapa were there
No sign of ray

My eyes kept looking at chapa's direction I couldn't take of her my conscience was killing me I wanted to talk to her badly

C:Bose you're staring at me is there something you wanna tell me*confused*

B(mind):Ahhh she talking to youuuu idiot say something
B:ummmm where are your pants,
u-uh i-i mean your dad *laughs*yeah your dad
*mentally face palms*
C:I don't know*smiles*I should go look for him
B:*smiles*hmm yea sure
B(mind):real smooth Bose,real smooth
She sits down on her sit and pushes the button

M:that was weird *trynna hold back a laugh*
Mm:really weird
B:stop it man
M:*bursts out laughing*
Mika gets up and walks up to Bose
Mm:can we talk
B:like now?
Mm:yes,in private
M:*dramatically gasps*dum dum dum mmmmm
Mika face miles with a really dude expression

B:yeah sure I don't see why not

He get up walking to the closet and mika follows behind

Mika POV
Now we are in the closet and i'm about to chicken out,but NO I ain't gonna let that stop me
There was a weird silence between until he broke it
B:sooo,you wanted to talk
Mm:mhm yea
Mm:Bose....hit me with the best kiss you got.
B:I'm sorry what?
I can tell he is confused
He pecked my lips
Mm:that's it?
B:that all I got....sorry
Mm:no I want things with you and chapa to go to the next level
B:really*containing a smile*
Mm:yeah*smiles back*
B:but we are dating
Mm:oh God *rubs her temples*
Mm:I'm breaking up with you so you could be with chapa
B:now that makes a lot of sense
I just shaked my head

               Chapa's bedroom

Chapa POV
I wanna confess to Bose how i feel but pride won't let me and he dating that snitch.
But I'm tired of keeping my emotions bottled up ughhhh
Throwing my legs up in the air and squeezing the life out of the poor pillow
How can someone be so cuteeee arghhhh
Knock knock
C:whose there?
R:time for breakfast
R:be outta here in the next two minutes OK chappy
C:yeah,now leave before I ZAP YOUR BUTT THROUGH THE DOOR

An:please learn to vote or comment not just in my book, but in every book. it really encourages the writer ya know

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