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C:but I wann-
Mm:no,you can't come
C:but why
All except chapa:because we say so okay
R:now chaps,how do I look
C:ugh get out now
All except chapa:down the tube
Chapa fell on the man's nest couch began to sob secretly in order for schowz not to hear her.well he was to busy working on a gadget
At the O'Brien mansion
Ding dong
Mm:hi,mrs mayor we ar-
R:hey you gat any towels?*flirting*cause am all sweaty
Bm:*rolls eyes*anyways why are you guys here?
Mm:we here for bose,his he alright
Bm:*frowns*nope his not,I mean he looks hurt.
Mm:that's why we are here
Bm:come in
M:see in a sec*pulls ray aside*
R:hey,what was that for?
M:sir,we are here for bose not  to find love you can never have
R:what do mean by can never have?*raising an eyebrow*
Mm:psst guys you coming?
M:umm yeah
R:*walks past miles* last one to get in is poop
M:oh really,that's how we are playing right*teleports*
R:it's not fair
M:life isn't fair son, oops I mean uh sir*burst out laughing*
R:very mature
M:imma go check on bose old man
R:yeah you do that
Bose's room
Mm:hi bosey
B:ummmm, mika whatcha doing here
Mm:why have been missing school
M:hey man*stretches hand to shake bose*
M:how ya doing
B:you know I feel stupid
Mm:bosey don't you ever say
M:mika you know, imma go check on ray
Mika is thinking about the secret chapa asked her to keep
Mm:so I was right
C:about what
Mm:you my dear has a crush on bose
C:*gasps and pulls her into the closet*ok you got me*sparks*
Mm:umm why are activating your powers
C:*still sparking*so you don't leak our little secret and you remain the way you are

B:hey,you okay
Mm:yeah am good

No one pov
Mika was thinking of a way to make bose happy,but kinda put it in revenge and greed way
Mika had a plan to date bose to get chapa jealous and also enjoy benefits from dating the vice mayor's step son
Mm:*mumbles under her breath*this will be fun
B:say what
Mm:umm nothing at all
Mm:ummm bose I know now is not the time,but I really miss you
B:I know every one does,except chapa*sadly*
Mm:infact I do miss you a lot
B:I know
Mm:bose  you don't get it,I like you a lot seeing what chapa put you through hurt me more tha-
B:wait you mean,you like-like me or a-
Mm:yes alot
Mika has a secret boyfriend she has not told anyone about. so, bose ain't aware of what he is getting himself into.
B:so you want me to be your bf*looking confused,happy and unsure*
Bose hugs mika and is blushing
Mm:come to swag tomorrow so we can announce our relationship,ok
B:mmm ok
They were chatting randomly when miles came in and said
M:sis we have to leave
B:what happened to you man,you look stress
M: only one word to describe
Mm:that is??
Mm:explains alot
M:trust me, you do not want know
Mika stands up ready
B:thanks alot for coming guys you made feel alot better
M:so you be at swag tomorrow
They left bose room.
Bose just went back to bed trying to imagine how tomorrow would be

Next day
At swag
Mika and bose decided to tell everyone about their relationship but chapa wasn't there yet
B:we have something  to tell y'all
Everyone focuses their attention on mika and bose
Mm:we are dating
S:Awwwn young love
R:woah hold your horses there bose,so you didn't like chapa
B:*doesn't know what to say*
Mm:I confessed my feelings
M:sis you sur-
Bang bang
C:sorry am late
R:forgiven,as a matter fact I have good news
C:*looks confused and excited *spill it
R:bose and mika are in a relationship
No one pov
Sha nearly choked on her saliva when she heard it.she was so happy when she saw bose in school and this, her joy slowly died down and before anyone could notice the emotional breakdown she is passing through a crime alert came
R:alright everyone to the mans nest
They sat on their seats and pushed the button

Mm:oh c'mon
M:let me guess it Jeff
R:dang it
Chapa pops a gum in her mouth and says don't worry guys I will handle this
R:be careful
V:I will*fake smiles*
No one pov
Tbh chapa only agreed to take on Jeff so she could get some time to think alone
After she took him to prison she went to her kicking stump to vent out her anger and cry
She was still crying with her head in between her legs when she heard something,she started wiping her tears and went to check where noise came from and found a cute chameleon.she washed her face with her water took the chameleon played with it for awhile and took back to swag
She got back and all eyes were on  her
S:have you been crying?
C:well sparky jnr put alot sand in my eyes while we were playing
Sparky jnr is the chameleon's name
Mm:who is sparky jnr??
She brought out the chameleon
C:this is sparky jnr
All except chapa:omg he so cute
Mm:but he is not as cute as you babe
On hearing those words chapa's heart dropped to her stomach,knowing fully well that this is just the beginning.

At nightfall
Chapa had just reached her home or hellhole.she then sneaked in sparky jnr to her bathroom which was more safer for to live in than her room.
Her father didn't touch her throughout the night so she kinda slept well to wake up to horror. Sparky jnr was gone,she was sure she hid it well
C:were could it be
Cd:looking for this??*smiles*
Oh chapa I told you I will kill anything you love*throwing the dead chameleon on the floor*
He punched her beat her up leaving her to cry her heart out
She got up prepared for swag snuck breakfast into her bag and left
R:hey your late
C:am sorry
R:are you ok,where is sparky Jnr?
C:he died*looking really sad*HOW DID HE EVEN FIND HIM?
Mm:who are you talking about?
C:umm  a a rattlesnake
All except chapa:what
Mm:woah poor guy
M:the snake still at your house
C:no, it's in hell

A/n:so guys this is still a bapa book. And thank ya'll for being so supportive,luv you

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