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It really is quite embarrassing how long it took me to realise it. It was so obvious from the start! He looked like Jihoon, he lived in Jihoons house, he knew about my disability...
It had to be him. It had to be Jihoon's cousin!!

Now, if you fell for my words again, please go and sit down next to the unicorn. I really can't deal with you at the moment.
If you didn't, well congratulations!!
I might be dumb, but not even I am that stupid...

After the realisation of who exactly had opened that door hit me, it took a really big pile of courage to leave my hiding spot once again.
I mustered everything that was left in me and made my way back to him.

He was still standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame, legs slightly crossed, an amused smile tugging on his lips.
As I approached, he unfolded his arms in order to sign.

"You're back already?"

I nodded.

"So you've figured out who I am?"

I gulped but nodded again. Yes, yes I have.

"You're Jihoon's cousin."

The look on his face was PRICELESS!! I would try to describe it, but that would take a whole book on its own, so I'll leave it at this. Priceless. Absolutely priceless.
It's no wonder I couldn't really hold back my laughter and boy did it feel good to laugh. It's been quite some time since I've laughed an honest and happy laugh, strong enough to make my eyes tear and my stomach hurt.

In retrospect everything probably just was too much for me to handle in that given moment and I lost the last bit of my sanity resulting in a hysterical laughing fit. But at that time I just felt relief wash over me. No one should go this long without laughing.

My laughter didn't last for long though. The second I remembered who I was laughing about, every chuckle and chortle got stuck in my throat.

I gained back my composure surprisingly fast. Chin up, chest out. A last merciful moment of darkness and then the moment of truth: My eyelids fluttered open and met with his piercing stare.

"Hey Jihoon. It's been a long time.."

I couldn't guess his thoughts. His expression had turned completely blank, a perfect poker face. No blinking, no twitching. Nothing.
Then, finally, did he lift his hands once again.

"Are you here to stay?"

I nodded. Yes, yes I was. I came to get my friends back and once I accomplished that, IF I accomplished that, I will never give up on them this easily ever again. I was here for good and I'll gladly accept everything he throws at me, as long as it means that in the end we can be friends again.

He eyed me for another moment before taking a step back and holding the door open.
"Come on in then."
This time he didn't use sign language but it has never felt easier to read lips. And as I took a step towards him, I felt a heavy stone being lifted from my heart. I never even knew it was laying there in the first place.

I was about to pass by Jihoon when I couldn't hold myself back any longer and pulled him into a tight hug. He barely reached my shoulder. So cute!! I could feel his surprise in the beginning, but eventually he relaxed and hugged back.

It's been so long since anyone had hugged me like this. My aunt wasn't one for close body contact and I haven't seen my parents in a long time.

When I felt an all too familiar sting behind my closed eyelids, I pulled Jihoon even closer and pressed my face against his neck. I didn't want him to see me cry. I just hoped he wouldn't push me away.

Sanity vs. Soulmate | JeongCheol x SVTWhere stories live. Discover now