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The rest of the day passed rather uneventfully, considering all the excitement of the morning. I learnt that, unlike me, Hao was not a costume design major, but a fashion design major. Nevertheless, these two majors were similar enough for us to share a few courses. For some unknown reason however, neither of us had managed to spot the other there beforehand. At least I was comforted by the fact that I wasn't the only one walking blindly through life.

When I was finally finished with my last lecture for the day, it was already pitch black outside and I dreaded going home. After I had lost my hearing, I've never felt comfortable being outside during night time again. I feel too vulnerable when I can neither hear nor see. In the dark I am simply at a disadvantage.

I briefly thought about calling one of my friends to see if they could give me a lift home, but I quickly discarded the idea. It's not far to the subway. I'm sure I'll manage. And I've always survived the quarter of an hour on foot from the station to my flat unscathed. There was no reason to be worried now. Annoyed with myself, I pulled my coat tighter around me to shield me from the harsh weather and started to make my way to the subway station.

It was just my luck that upon my arrival the illuminated display on the platform was flooded with disturbance messages. Due to some technical difficulties there would be no train service for at least another three hours which left me with roughly four options.

1) Wait three hours and hope for the best. - Yeah no. I was so not gonna do this. There was no guarantee whatsoever that a train would arrive later today and it was freezing! I would be half dead by the time a train decided to make its way here.
2) Call a taxi. - Well, technically a good idea, if it weren't for my broke ass. I was already walking on a tightrope this month, I definitely did not have the financial means to take a taxi home.
3) Just ignore my fears and the fact that it's probably a stupid idea in favour of walking home by myself. - It can't be that far, right? The train only takes about fifteen minutes after all, so I should be fine.
4) Call one of my friends (or rather text them since calls aren't really my thing anymore...) and hope that they're free. - Probably my best bet and the option I should choose. I don't think any of them would really mind driving me.

For once I actually made a smart choice and texted my friends in the groupchat whether anyone could take me home. Life, however, decided to fuck me over once again.

I found out that half of my friends didn't qualify because they either didn't have a car or a driving licence. And of the others, one was at an appointment out of town, another was still at university and wouldn't be finished for another two hours, and yet another didn't have a car at the moment because it was at the car repair shop.

It was enough to drive you out of your mind. Nobody had the time or a car. So I was no closer to finding a solution. What was I supposed to do? If I didn't want to wait for at least another two hours, I was only left with one option really: walking. So that's exactly what I did. In retrospect I should have known better. At the very least I should have checked how long it would actually take me to walk home. Not looking that up was a mistake I would only make once. I learned my lesson, believe me.

For your information, subways are freaking fast! Fifteen minutes in train time turned out to be roughly one and a half hours of walking (with good weather conditions that is). With the icy wind that tried to blow me off the road at any given moment, and the heavy rain making it hard to see the road ahead it ultimately took over two hours to reach the subway station. And then there were still the fifteen minutes from the station to my apartment left. Let's just say, walking the whole thing wasn't the smartest choice I ever made.

I didn't know that of course when I started my little hike. I really was too naive for my own good. Especially as the whole trip still had one or two surprises in store for me... But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start at the beginning.

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