Part 3

7 1 0

Starting this 1am 1st Dec 2022 so.... pinch a punch for the first day of the month,no returns!😉 You now have to pay me $31/17£
Anyways ON TO THE STORYYYY........................

The bell goes and Mr Smith which is Finn and Sebs teacher Blows the whistle and makes a quick announcement to Year 8 and 9 like every single eating session and calls out the 3 most cleanest group (The 3 that don't have as much rubbish as the rest) Ours is always 2nd or 3rd since we know some of the expectations of our school.We run down to our spot hoping that someone didn't sit there since a bunch of year 2 and 3's sit there just to piss us off but gladly they didn't get there intime to beat us.So we sat there talking about the most randomised shit....
After school (4 hours later,Since I can't be bothered to write that much)
"Today was funny,the fact our whole class turned into a laughingstock after we were late was hilarious!"Says Willow.
"Ikr."Says everyone agreeing with her.
We then hop onto the bus and rush to the back before we go flying like this one time we were walking up there,no one noticed the bus start to leave and we all fell on top of eachother face first.
We get off the bus an all say goodbyes hugging and hand shaking before going our separate ways.I then get home still laughing from the event at school  my door to a silent place with bags filled with my  fathers things.I was so confused...
"Mum,Dad you guys alr and why is his stuff in bags down here?"I said enough for them to hear me.
"Shut up you dumb child,your fathers gone and I'm hiding from the police."She screams in a crying voice.
I couldn't care less what had happened so I dogged all the bags and walked upstairs to see blood coming towards my mothers room,like any teenager or little kid I was a bit terrified nothing had really made me think about not going over there though.So I attempted to silently tiptoe to my mother and fathers room...Omg-THERES A KNIVE COVERED IN BLOOD AND MY FATHER DEAD IN A PILE OF BLOOD IN THE CENTER OF THE ROOM.I ran back to my room,stuffed something's into 2 bags and ran to my siblings rooms.
"Eve,Ivy we have to go,RIGHT NOW PACK YOUR STUFF!"
I say in a stern voice rushing to my brothers room.
"Nate you heard me,get your ass up and pack your stuff we have to leave immediately!"I repeat.
We all run across the hallway and down the stairs,out the door and we call the nearest hotel.We ordered and taxi to take us there and I texted all my friends explaining what happened...
Y/n:Guys I need to tell you guys the most messed up thing I just saw.
                                Willow:What happened
Sebastian:Yeah what happened
                                        Finn:Tell us now!
Y/n:So when I came home I opened the door to my dads clothes in bags in the living room.
Levi:Doesn't seem so bad.
Everyone:Shut up Levi and let her get back to the story!
Y/n:As i was about to say...
I screamed out to my mum to see what had gone down while I was at school and she said he was gone and she's hiding from the police.I walk upstairs and see blood leading inside her room so I walked over there like an person would do and I see a bloody knive and a my dad laying in a big blood patch in the middle of the room, so I got my siblings and I to pack our things and get out of the house ASAP
. We are on the way to a hotel in a taxi rn btw.
Nevaeh:Omg that would have have been disturbing as shit to see your father in a blood patch and your mother just sitting there crying.
Y/n:Can we call when I get to the hotel?
Everyone:Yes cause the story wasn't explaining that much for a bit of us.
After what felt like around 20 minutes we finally arrived at the hotel, sign ourselves in and got our room key.I hadn't been on my phone for 10 minutes so I turned it on to see a bunch of texted, phone calls and voice notes of my mother saying to come back.I never even bother to respond to any of them after what I just saw.I only booked the room for my siblings because i decided earlier I was gonna stay at my friends so I called them to pick me up because I didn't want another taxi...
Willow:What's good,Also when are you getting here?
Y/n:I was about to say that,can you and your mum pick me up pleaseee.
Nevaeh:Ofccc we love youuuu.
The reason Nevaeh responded to willows response to me was because willow and her are siblings.I decided to call them and after 20 minutes with them I hear there mum say "Are you coming to pick Y/n up with me or not?"
They obviously responded with a.
"Fuck yeah!"
So we hung up since there house was like 30 minutes or so from here,since I was bored and they will be here in about 28 minutes or so I took a little walk cause why not.I start to walk down the street to see a nice chip shop which had an ice cream place next to it, I'd never though this would have happen but as soon as I walk up to the counter I heard a voice I hadn't heard for so many year...
"Y/n, is that you?"The mysterious girl asks me.
"Ava?"I respond In a questioning face.
"It's been so long, how have you been and where have you been!?"She say's excitingly.
"It's quite a long story,Ever since I moved schools back in Year 3 to (Your school) I'd never though in a million years I would see you again!"I say in the same tone of voice.
After a while I decided to look at the time and it's 5 minutes until Nevaeh and willow get to the hotel.
"We'll have to catch up some time Avz, Sorry but I've gtg but here's my number just in case you'd like to call me some time XXXX XXX XXX."
"Yeah sure see you In some time,Y/nn."
I walk back up to the hotel,just realising I didn't even order any food but really I didn't care since I actually saw my one of my oldest best friends after so long...

Authors note
I'm sorry I didn't finish this sooner I had so much homework and shit to do but I finally have nothing piled on me, I'll be making the next chapter in about a week since it takes quite a while for me having to find my fav songs out of playlists but other than that I hope you all enjoyed this (Probs not the situation at home before they ended up at the hotel) Also sorry if there are any mistakes I never check over it since i only notice how much words I have written when it's like at 5 million words 🥲.Other than that Love you all,stay safe,say hydrated,eat food and SLEEP PLEASE YOU NEED IT!! <33
Words: 1267

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