A normal day at the Wonder Stage.

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Ah, seems like Tsukasa is upset.

"RUI!  HELP ME!  EMU IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" A petrified Tsukasa yells, violently shaking Rui.

"Huh?  What do you mean, Tsukasa?" Rui managed to ask, he was getting a bit dizzy.

Tsukasa went on to beg Rui to help him.  They didn't realize that Emu had appeared.

"TSUKASA-KUN!!!!!!!!!" EMU yells, running directly towards Tsukasa.

"AAAAAAAAAA SHE FOUND ME!!" Tsukasa jumped onto Rui.

Rui didn't seem to be phased really, in truth, he was a bit annoyed.

"Alright," Rui sighed, "Emu, why are you trying to kill Tsukasa?" Rui asked, air quoting "kill".

"Huh?  Kill?  I'm not trying to kill him.  I just wanted to show him a really cool toy I found!!" Emu said, she then held up a remote controlled tarantula.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!  GET IT AWAY FROM ME!!!" Tsukasa screams, practicality into Rui's ear.

"Fufu, that's a cool toy, Emu.  Maybe if I modified it, it could move really fast." Rui said, a noticeable sinister cat smile forming on his face.

"That'd be so cool!!!" Emu said, enthusiastically.

"Come on, Tsukasa, get off of me." Rui said.


Rui eventually dropped him on the ground.

•Time skip I guess lmao•

"It's finished!" Rui said, handing the toy to Emu.

"YAYYY!!!!" Emu said.

"Tsukasa!  Come here!" Rui yelled out.

"IS IT GONE?" Tsukasa said, slightly peeking his head around the corner.

"Yes, it's gone." Rui replied.  He looked ever to Emu and gave a little wink.

Emu placed the toy on the ground and held the controller in her hands.

"Thank god." Tsukasa said, sighing in relief.

Tsukasa walked over to the two.  Rui had a smirk on his face, and turned to Emu, and nodded.  Emu nodded back and pressed a button on the controller.

In the span of 5 seconds the toy revealed itself.

"GYH!" Tsukasa had a face of terror on his face.

"GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Tsukasa screamed and ran away.  The toy following closely behind him.

Emu and Rui decided to follow behind.

All that you could hear if you were near the Wonder Stage was laughter and screaming.

You may be wondering, "Where's Nene in all of this?"

She saw the whole thing, she just didn't want to say anything.


The end!!

Lol, I hoped you enjoyed this short shitpost story.  I've just been wanting to write something, so I wrote this.

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