Just something random.

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This is just a random thing I wanted to write because it happened to me so recently.

So it's gonna be in the perspective of me.

Also, the image was made by me!



'God, when is the school day going to end?', I said, looking at my new school laptop I had gotten just today.  We had to get new laptops due to the older ones being absolute dog shit.

These laptops don't exactly fit the criteria of a digital arts and design student though, there's no touch screen.  Which sucks, cause at least the Chromebooks we had actually HAD touch screens.

As I got more bored, I decided to talk to my friend, Noah.

We talked for the rest of the school day through Discord, with me being the one who said the most random things.

After a while, I started noticing something... off.  As if I was daydreaming or something.

The feeling I was feeling felt like nothing else that's happened to me beforehand.  Yeah, I had some occasions where I'd feel like I wasn't in my own body, but, this time, it was more than that.

I felt like I wasn't in the school anymore, as if I was teleported to somewhere else.

I knew I was still in the classroom, but I felt as if I was at... The Wonder Stage.?

'Wait, what's going on with me?  Did I actually forget to take my medicine?', I thought.  I had never experienced something like this.

After a bit, I told Noah about what was happening to me.  Noah said that either I was disassociating or was exhausted.

The exhaustion part was absolutely true, so it didn't bother me that much.  But disassociating?  I never thought I'd have this happen to me.  It was weird.

Noah then said to me, *Put on a Rui playlist.*

I found it funny, because I had a Rui Kinnie playlist on at the moment.

'Maybe that's what's causing this..'

Before long, I noticed the time was 2:16, so I packed up my things and waited by the door.

The school bell rang and at last, the day was over.


I hope this was interesting to you, lmao.

If not, that's fine.

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