Chūnin exams: Uzushiogakure joins! PT: 4

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Naruto walked the Genin's to where the first part of the exams would take place. He was being followed by Kisame and Shikamaru, Tsunade led the way. She did well to make sure that no one knew who the Uzukage really was and who his companions were either.

However she wanted her Gaki out of the village.

Those old fogeys would start asking more questions and try and get info on the Uzushiogakure village and she did not want that. She wanted her Gaki far from this village and Uzushiogakure was the best place that he should be right now not konoha.

She entered the room where others had gathered, she turned to Uzushiogakure while Naruto began to give orders "alright first test will begin shortly, I don't know who the proctor is for this one so stay quiet and listen. The faster we get the exams down the faster we can go home" he said "hai Uzukage-sama!" The Genin's went to their places "Jōnins, Chūnins, keep watch but also have fun" "hai!"

"Uzukage-sama, please follow me" Naruto nodded and followed Tsunade with Kisame and Shikamaru on his tail.

A/N: So I still need to write the Chūnin exams for the tale of lavender Uzumaki so yeah I may just skip a few things like the written exam. Sorry for that!)

"Alright pencils down!" The proctor called as everyone put their pencils down, Uzushiogakure was smart so they knew what the exam was about and mostly because they heard from the Uzukage.

"Now, for the tenth question, also know as the final question to see if you move on to the next round. But let me remind you, if you answer the question but get it wrong you will forever stay Genin's and never go up in ranks, but if you fail the answer then your team also fails" this caused an uproar of protest amongst the Genin's "shut it!" They shut up "now, if you don't want to risk your chances and would like to try again next year raise your hand and I'll call your number, once called please leave the room" multiple hands went up and teams left to try again next year.

When no one left in five minutes "you pass" this caused many sighs of relief "alright, your next proctor will be here shortly! Be quiet and wait-" Anko came through the window "Anko! Use the door!" The proctor yelled in exsaperation "nah, doors are for losers. Let's go maggots!" Uzushiogakure followed her out the window and many others who were left went by either door or window and entered to where the forest of death gate was.

"Now! You will either have a heaven or earth scroll, your objective is to get the opposite of what you have. If it's an earth scroll then you need to get a heaven scroll, if it's a heaven scroll then you need an earth scroll and vis versa. Signs these wavers and then head over to the tent to grab your scroll. Oh! Before I forget!, You can torture, injure and or kill during this exam, you have five days to complete this and you need both scrolls to pass!" Everyone signed and chose a leader who grabbed the scroll and went to their gates waiting for the signal to enter the forest.

"Wait what about food?" A sound nin asked "the forest is your food! Geez" Anko huffed having to answer that question the second time.

She readied her whistle when she saw everyone getting ready before blowing and the gates opened.

Exam 2 has begun.

Probably a shitty chapter and slightly rushed to you all but sorry for the late updates, you guys may just get this to 1K soon I'm surprised.

Anyways hope you enjoyed!

Written: 12/7/22.

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