Chūnin exams: Uzushiogakure joins! PT: 5

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"your teams are strong lord Uzukage" the kazekage said, "they are because of the determination to pass" Naruto said his hat titled with a fox mask and mask like Kakashi's on his face covering himself. Shikamaru and Kisame stood on either side of him.

"I have to agree with lord Kazekage, Uzushiogakure nin's are quite strong" the Mizukage said "why thank you lady Mizukage" Tsunade agreed her Gaki's nin's were strong especially with being near thirteen and twelve.

Currently the Kage's were watching the exams from the balcony this time though, Orochimaru had no reason to intervein.

(A/N: I may make this short don't really know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

"Lord Uzukage how do you train them?" Tsunade asked making it seem as if she doesn't know who the Uzukage really is "not much, the kids are just strong minded and determined I've got no part in that other than assigning teams and their sensei's" Tsunade nodded.

Some of Naruto's Genin's lost but he was going to promote them anyway when they got back.

"Final round!" The last proctor announced, it was Lea Uzumio (made it up) against a sound nin. "Begin!" Lea was strong and she was very flexible she was actually training under Naruto himself.

She dodged and used her moves, before they arrived in konoha Naruto told her to use rasengan as a very last resort because they only knew about three people who could do it.

The sound nin used sound waves and anything to either knock her out or severely injure her or worse kill her, Lea though was smart enough to know to put in ear plugs, curiosity of Naruto who had heard a sound nin's jutsu's before so he warned her to bring ear plugs just in case she went up against a sound nin. She silent thanked her sensei.

After a few more kicks and punches she effectively used rasengan when she had seen that the sound nin was about to stab her in the chest and had punched him with rasengan into a wall knocking him out and creating a crater in the wall.

"Winner, Lea Uzumio!" Konoha was shocked but cheered, Tsunade surpressed a smirk when she had seen the rasengan. Naruto smiled behind his mask filled with pride, Shikamaru quietly chuckled at his boyfriend's radiance of pride that beamed from his body, the kazekage Gaara smiled unnoticeably while the other kage's were surprised.

Naruto stood up once Shikamaru and Kisame backed up and they followed Naruto who went to congratulate his Genin's for their hard work "Uzukage-sama!" Lea smiled as she and her team followed her "congratulations Lea! Sasha and Kashu" Naruto beamed with pride "thank you Uzukage-sama!" The three were happy with the praise from their kage, "lord Uzukage" Naruto turned to Gaara "yes Lord Kazekage?" Naruto titled his head showing his fox mask "congratulations" the look in Gaara's eyes made Naruto nod and turn to his village that came "Uzushiogakure! Head to the Inn's and grab your belongings we leave once everyone is at the gate, meet me, shark and deer at the gates in half an hour" he ordered "hai Uzukage-sama!" They split up. Gaara and Naruto turned to the door and walked talking while Shikamaru and Kisame followed.

They went to Tsunade's office where she was giving the sensei's the congratulations of their Genin's who have been promoted Chūnins. Kakashi was the last one after everyone else left, Naruto entered with Gaara and the others and set up the nessesary seals before they took off their masks. "Kakashi-sensei!" Kakashi hugged the blonde who jumped on him "I see your well Uzukage-sama" Naruto groaned while the others snickered Gaara surpressed a chuckle.

Naruto broke the hug "kakashi-sensei, why don't you come to Uzushiogakure?" He suggested, "well I still have emo and fangirl sadly to teach and the council won't leave me alone" Kakashi sighed "those damn fogeys" he grumbled a knock came at the door and Naruto recognized it, "Kisame open the door it's Itachi and Deidra" he nodded and just as Naruto said it was the two and he quickly shut the door behind them.

"Gaki" Tsunade said sadly again "don't worry granny soon youcan be at Uzushio" Naruto smiled and it lightened her mood she opened her arms and he hugged her. "Well, I'll write a letter once I return to office Naruto. Write to me" Gaara pointed a finger at Naruto before leaving "write to me as well Gaki and Kakashi, understand?" He nodded once he broke the hug "I'll see you soon, if I get assigned a mission I'll make it longer and visit Uzushio" Naruto beamed and hugged kakashi once more, Shikamaru feeling jealous pulled Naruto to his chest away from his old Sensei "he managed a Nara that's surprising" kakashi joked Shikamaru rolled his eyes and Naruto playfully stuck his tongue out.

"Okay we're going home" Shikamaru sighed "come on troublesome blonde, write to them when we get back. I need to see how bad things are with who we left in charge" Naruto deadpanned "oh no.. bye granny and Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto pit on his mask and hat and waited for the others to do the same before grabbing them and shunshined to the gates where the village was waiting for them and they left Konohagakure.


If I rushed the final chapter for the Chūnin exams, I am sorry but I'm so excited! 84 votes and 1.15K reads!! Thank you all and stay tuned for the next one!

Written: 12/8/22.

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