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You know what happens when you are a yaoi fan and love gay ships but being a multi shipper? You need smut, no matter the details or where the ship is you need smut! That's why I've got this chapter named: intimate!

So disclaimer: I'm not the best smut writer but hey I try my best (even though many others have better smut writing skills them meh but I still try) so, I would say this is a mature Chapter but let's see how good this'll be. I hope you enjoy and let's see how long, smutty and enjoyable I can make this.

Let's go!!!



Naruto looked perplexed looking at his friends.

Hidan was yelling things about the god he serves again, Konan looked ready to burst and start turmoil, Nagato was reading without a care, zetsu was muttering things about his mother, Obito was picking fights and saying insults about Hidan's god.

So yeah, he was perplexed at the moment.

Shikamaru rubbed the bridge of his nose watching the chaotic adults, he wanted Naruto. More like he wanted to be in the blondes pants while watching the tanned beautiful face twist in to lust and need to fuck his brains out. So he walked over to Naruto and leaned down to his ear and began to whisper waiting for the right facial expression to drag him to their room and lock the door.

"Do you want me to fuck your brains out yet keep you begging for more?" Naruto's entire face went a deep shade of red but his body also shuddered from the deep low voice Shikamaru spoke in. Shikamaru took that as the sign and grabbed Naruto's hand and dragged him to their room not before turning to the others "don't interrupt us or I'm going to strangle you in my shadows" Naruto's cheeks were burning red and just let Shikamaru drag him to their shared room before Shikamaru pulled Naruto to the doors closed flat surface and kissing the blonde who melted into the kiss.

(A/N: don't know if I put the tag in the discription but this has mpreg but you'll need to wait some time before seeing our dear blonde swollen with Nara babies 😂)

Shikamaru moved his knee to Naruto's legs and used it to split in-between Naruto's legs using it to press against the blonde. Naruto's hole clenched together tightly and his legs began to feel week with the Nara's leg in-between him, Shikamaru put one of his arms to the side of the door near Naruto's head and used his other hand to pull Naruto's chin into another kiss.

Shikamaru bit Naruto's lip causing him to part his lips and it was enough opening for Shikamaru to slide his tongue into the wet cavern and explore the mouth of his blonde. Tongues fought for dominance over the other Naruto was losing and fast since Shikamaru was the more dominant one in their relationship and this would be the closest first sex they've done despite being together for two years.

Naruto moaned in the kiss effectively losing in the dominance fight as the Nara explored his mouth not leaving a single part untouched. They pulled away for air a string of Silva connecting their tongues and lips. Naruto felt hard, his small cock feeling uncomfortable against the tightness of his pants, Shikamaru moved his hand to Naruto's clothed cock. He set his hand ontop of it but looked in Naruto's eyes "I want you to beg" Naruto shuddered his cheeks turning a dark pink, he subconsciously tried to grind against the Nara's palm but Shikamaru held his hips still "beg Naruto" the said boy whined.

The overbearing heat and need was building in Naruto, he wanted the brunette Infront of him "s-shika" Naruto whined wanting to grind against Shikamaru's palm "ah ah, I won't do it unless you beg me" Shikamaru knew what he was doing but he wanted the blonde to beg him to fuck him.

Naruto knew how Shikamaru could get but he really wanted Shikamaru "i-i want you" Shikamaru smirked and rubbed his palm against the clothed dick Naruto felt much pleasure shoot through him and moaned, Shikamaru moved his hand to the band of the blondes pants and slid it inside his pants and underwear before Rubbing his hand on Naruto's shaft going both up and down causing waves a pleasure to the blonde who threw his head back into the door with a loud moan echoing the room.

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