Kage summit, Uzushiogakure's clan news

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Naruto woke up the next morning with his back sore, he whined lowly to not wake Shikamaru who was still asleep.

"He's brutal in the bed" Naruto had anime tears flowing down his face at how brutal the lazy Nara was when he was horny, Naruto made a mental note to make sure the Nara didn't break his back in next time. He looked at the time on the clock, 7:30am. He groaned quietly before slowly shimming under Shikamaru's arm to take a bath, get dressed and head to the tower to get work down. Shikamaru feeling the warmness of his blonde moving away launched his arms around said blonde who squealed and was being pulled back into Shikamaru's chest as the Nara nuzzled into the blonde hair.

"Shika" Naruto whined, the Nara let his eyes open to gaze into the azure ones "go back to sleep" Naruto pouted "but I have to work" he retorted "and that can wait awhile it's not going anywhere" Naruto puffed his cheeks and tried to shimmy out of the Nara's hold but said Nara had his arms firm against Naruto "please, Shika" Naruto did a innocent pouty face and Shikamaru groaned. "Damn blonde is too cute for his own good" Shikamaru said mentally before letting Naruto free, Naruto smiled in victory and got off the bed. He limped to the bathroom to get freshened up "was I to hard on you last night?" Shikamaru asked as he walked into the bathroom with Naruto "I thought you would be lazy in the bed but I was clearly wrong. Even my back agrees with me" Naruto rubbed his still sore back, Shikamaru chuckled sheepishly before kissing Naruto's head.

"Don't forget we have the Kage summit to go to" Naruto blinked before face palming "you forgot didn't you?" Naruto gave a sheepish smile "yeah..." Shikamaru rolled his eyes at his boyfriend and flicked his forehead "I'll make breakfast" Naruto kissed his cheek then turned on the shower, Shikamaru would get in with him but he had a good idea for breakfast and he would probably end up teasing Naruto in the shower so he didn't get in as well and went downstairs.

(Okay fuck I'm lazy, short chapter people! But I'll just time skip and give out what happened because I had lost ideas on what to write for this chapter.)

Naruto and Shikamaru went to the summit and Naruto explained how his clan was doing and so did the other villages, they exchanged pleasantries and Tsunade, Gaara and Naruto decided to keep knowing the other personally secret. The summit ended and when Naruto and Shikamaru got back to their hotel Shikamaru being the horny Nara he is had used his shadows on Naruto for a little lewd night and let just say, Shikamaru had to care his back to Uzushio with no complaints but a smirk on his face.

"I should use my shadows on Naruto more often" he grinned and walked home with Itachi as their guard.


Sorry kits, hope you like the next to chapters!


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