Surprise? PT:2

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Naruto led the trio around the village as many came to greet Naruto as he passed "Wow, this place is amazing" Kiba said as Akamaru barked in agreement "I do my best" Naruto shrugged "you guys should be in Konoha, I don't want granny worried that you were kidnapped" Naruto told them, Neji scoffed while Kiba rolled his eyes.

"I'm not going back, especially with how Hinata is" Neji growled surprising Naruto "alright what happened?" he asked "she has it in her mindset that we'll marry in the future and I don't like her that way at all, plus I already like someone else and uncle is been pressuring me into teach Hinata. I refused many times" Neji told his blonde haired friend "well, Hisashi always had a stick up his ass for as long as I remember and why would she do that?" Kiba snorted about Naruto's blunt response for the Hyūga head "I don't know really, but it got so annoying I was lucky to catch Kiba leaving the village few days ago" Naruto looked at Kiba "hey my clan is happy you're gone I'm not, you've been my friend for years I'm not letting our friendship die because of something you're not" Kiba said "Thanks Kiba" Shikamaru was walking passed when he seen Naruto, Kiba, Neji and Akamaru so he decided to change his course and headed straight for Naruto.

"So what are two Konoha nin and a nin dog doing all the way out here?" Shikamaru asked as Naruto turned to him "I thought you were training you're Genin" he said "I did, I let them off early today. Now, explanation please" He placed his chin on Naruto's hair it had gotten longer lately and he loved it. Kiba and Neji explained why they were here and Shikamaru felt himself clench his teeth "Shika don't go in possessive mode" Naruto pouted "I will go possessive on anyone who dares call you something you're not" He huffed "This happen alot?" Kiba asked "Not as much but he's killed about six people in the last two weeks because they called me a demon when using Kurama's power" He shrugged, "Kurama?" The pair asked confused "That the nine tails real name, he's a big softy and a parent to me since I was a kid" Shikamaru ruffled his air "hey!" He pouted at the Nara who grinned and did it some more "I wonder if we can live here" Kiba said Outloud "of course! The more the merrier!" Naruto grinned as he fixed his hair, Itachi came by them "Uzukage-sama" He grinned as Naruto glared "I told you to stop calling me that! We are not in Konoha anymore!" He whined "sorry, can't. Way to fun to not call you that" Naruto groaned "Just give me you're report in an hour, I need to give Kiba and Neji a place to live and new headband" Itachi looked to the Neji and Kiba who blinked at him.

"Okay" he soon left the group "Wasn't that Itachi Uchiha?" Neji asked "yup, he hates Teme now. Actually no, he despises Teme to his core" Naruto said "okay then.." Naruto grinned and grabbed the pairs hands before running off with Shikamaru and Akamaru following them to the knew place and getting their new home head bands.


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