Mother Uzumaki

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If there was anything Naruto adored more than his village, foxes and Shikamaru, it's kids.

Loveable little ones beginning to grow up into adults as years pass he practically begged Shikamaru to adopt two kids and they did. The oldest of the pair was a girl who had jade white hair, blue eyes and an impressive family jutsu that gave the user of the jutsu of nature. The youngest that was head over heels addicted to Naruto's side was the little boy who had dark brown hair and eyes with pale skin and freckles on his cheeks, the little boy was both timid and sweet but was often smiling or shy when around Naruto.

Naruto held the boy as he did some work the kid took a nap in Naruto's arms "Mom" Naruto looked up to see his daughter, "Yes?" He wondered what she needed "Can you train me, please?" She asked with stars in her blue eyes "Where's your father?" He asked her "Dad's with his Genin's but really he's just being lazy in a tree while they train" Naruto snickered "Amelia, you sure?" He teased and she nodded. He chuckled and set the pen down "Alright let's go just hold Akira for a moment" She grabbed her sleeping brother into her arms while Naruto made two shadow clones to finish the paperwork and walked out with his daughter and son to one of the training areas.

Amelia set Akira down in the shade of the nearby tree with her mother's clone watching him and walked back to the center where Naruto had on his Kage coat that hung around his shoulders in the back with Blue flames at the bottom, his Sunshine blonde hair tied into a low ponytail and blue eyes with excitement. "Alright, since you asked to train with me. What did you want to train with? Jutsu, fighting style or Rasengan?" He asked her "Rasengan" he nodded and walked over "Okay, you need to gather your chakra into your palm but it's not easy on the first try if you don't have good chakra control" He pulled her hand out Infront of them and opened his own where a Rasengan now was "woah" She eyed it with fascination "You'll be able to do this without having extra help and with much practice. Now you try" She tried to form a Rasengan but it didn't work so she tried again.

She groaned in frustration "It's hard" She whined with another failed attempt and Naruto chuckled "I told you it's not easy in the first try. It took me awhile to be able to form it" He told her and gestured for her to try again but ended up failing again she let out another whine in frustration "Look, here try this" he bent on one of his knees and moved his hands around her's and a Rasengan began to form in her hand "this might be easier to stay with for you so now I'm going to remove my hands, add your chakra to the Rasengan to keep it there" He explained and removed his hands from around hers, the Rasengan stayed for 2 minutes before disappearing. "Aw, man" She pouted "It's fine. You managed to hold it by yourself for 2 minutes that's amazing" He smiled at her "But yours lasted longer than that" She whined again with another pout.

He sighed with another chuckle "Hun, I trained with my sensei who taught me the Rasengan" She pouted more "Then how come your so good" he poked her nose while she blinked "It's because of practice. I learned the Rasengan for when I was a Genin entering the Chūnin exams, it wasn't easy and my sensei had weird ways in teaching me" He smirked at the memories of his training with jiraya. "What do you mean?" She asked "Well, he actually kicked me off a cliff once" her mouth dropped and her eyes widen and he laughed "is he insane!?" She squealed in shock "Maybe but he's both an idiot and pervert" he smiled missing the old man "I want to meet him" she said "Not right now, someday just not right now" She deflated in defeat and she and Naruto began to train her Rasengan again for the rest of the day with Shikamaru taking Akira home for sleep.

A/N: new chapter kits, sorry for late chapter updates. Don't blow up my inbox for updates on this please, if it's a real emergency then rush me but if it's not an emergency then do. No. Rush. Me. Period.

Love you all and see you in the next one.


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